Implementation Plan to Increase Public
Access to Results of USDA-funded
Scientific Research
November 7, 2014
United States Department of Agriculture
Revision History
August 18, 2013
Initial submission to OSTP and OMB
May 20, 2014
Respond to comments from OSTP and OMB
November 7, 2014
Respond to comments from OSTP and OMB
Table of Contents
I. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
II. Public Access to Scholarly Publications .......................................................................................................... 4
A. Policy .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
B. Business Processes, Procedures and Resources ......................................................................................... 6
C. Information Systems and Automation ....................................................................................................... 8
D. Outreach, Education and Training ........................................................................................................... 11
III. Public Access to Digital Scientific Data ........................................................................................................ 13
A. Policy ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
B. Business Processes, Procedures and Resources ....................................................................................... 16
C. Information Systems and Automation ..................................................................................................... 20
D. Outreach, Education and Training ........................................................................................................... 22
I. Introduction
This plan describes USDA’s approach to increase access to scholarly publications and digitally
formatted scientific data resulting from unclassified research results supported wholly or in part by
USDA funds, to the extent feasible and consistent with law; agency mission; resource constraints;
and U.S. national, homeland, and economic security. The plan is consistent with all policies and
requirements set forth in the OSTP Public Access memorandum (February 22, 2013), and makes
provisions to ensure that implementation of the plan:
Contributes, in the long run, to raising the profile and reputation of the food, agricultural,
and natural resources as providers of significant contributions to many areas of scientific
innovation and value to society;
Proceeds in close coordination with other science agencies and partnering organizations;
Maintains the highest level of effective funding for science that resource constraints,
agency mission, and consistency with the law allow;
Minimizes the burden on the scientific community, including researchers, professional
societies, and publishers;
Allows flexibility in pursuit of disparate agency missions, operating models, stakeholder
needs, and meeting the evolving expectations in the scientific community regarding access
to scientific results;
Provides public access to scientific results, without charge;
Supports governance of and best practices for managing scientific results across USDA;
Ensures effective access to and reliable preservation of scholarly publications resulting
from USDA funds for research, development, and education; and
Preserves and increases the use of research results to enhance scientific discovery.
Four categories of tasks will be carried out in a logical and practical manner:
Business processes, procedures, and resources
Information systems and automation
Outreach, education and training
Some of the above tasks are incremental extensions to programs already in place at USDA. Each
category of tasks will be implemented in three phases: Phase I (2015), Phase II (2016), Phase III
(2017 and beyond).
II. Public Access to Scholarly Publications
This section of the plan describes USDA’s approach to increase public access to scholarly
publications resulting from unclassified research results supported wholly or in part by USDA
funds. As noted in the Introduction, the plan is consistent with all policies and requirements set
forth in the OSTP Public Access memorandum (February 22, 2013).
A. Policy
The development of a departmental policy on public access to scholarly publications is USDA’s first
step to ensure compliance with federal laws, executive orders, directives, and policies. The policy
enhances innovation and competitiveness by maximizing the potential to create new business
opportunities. It will accelerate scientific breakthroughs and innovation as well as enhance
economic growth and job creation. The policy serves as a roadmap for mission area and/or
individual USDA agency compliance, and sometimes serves as a charge for mission areas and/or
USDA agencies to undertake their own implementation.
In 2011, the Chief Scientist of the USDA established a Scientific Data Management Committee
(SDMC) under the USDA Science Council. The USDA Science Council provides direction and
guidance to the SDMC. The SDMC:
Provides a platform for USDA agencies to collaborate through meetings, workshops and
working groups.
Reviews scientific data management policies and strategies of other Federal agencies to
gain insight into scientific data management issues and practices that are relevant to USDA.
Surveys USDA agencies scientific data management policies, strategies, and plans.
Develops a USDA public access policy to guide the creation, collection, organization,
management, dissemination, and preservation of scholarly publications resulting from
USDA funds.
Establishes a USDA implementation plan for public access to research results, including
scholarly publications and digital scientific datasets.
Periodically assesses progress and determines whether course corrections are needed.
The USDA adopts a systematic approach to develop and implement a public access policy for
scholarly publications that includes:
Establishment of an iterative process of policy design, planning, implementation,
evaluation/impact assessment, and policy redesign.
Working in full and open consultation with stakeholders, including other federal organizing
bodies, to maintain and improve this public access policy.
Establishing a file download monitoring mechanism, enforcing a practical file download
limit, and posting appropriate fair use policies to help prevent, to the extent feasible, the
unauthorized mass redistribution of scholarly publications.
The USDA Public Access Policy for scholarly publications will apply to any manuscript that:
Is peer-reviewed; and
Is accepted for publication in a journal on or after the USDA approval of a final public
access policy; and
Arises from USDA funds, as defined in relevant OMB circulars A-21 and A-11, on or after
the USDA public access policy’s effective date. Extramural projects with previously
established USDA funding instruments lacking a public access requirement are exempt
unless amended, but are encouraged to follow the policy.
The USDA public access policy for scholarly publications will require that authors submit to the
USDA public access archive system all final peer-reviewed journal manuscripts that meet the
above criteria once the manuscript is accepted for publication. In lieu of the final peer-reviewed
manuscript, USDA will accept the final published article, provided the author has the right to
submit the published version. The USDA will ensure easy search and download of scholarly
publications resulting from USDA funds without charge no later than 12 months following
Key Milestones:
Phase I (2015)
Draft policy Develop a draft public access policy for scholarly publications resulting from
USDA funds. USDA has developed a draft policy that was approved by the USDA Science
Council in March 2013.
Stakeholder inputs Solicit and collect stakeholder inputs. USDA and other federal
agencies participated in a public consultation hosted by the National Academy of Sciences
in May 2013. Thirty-nine stakeholders were invited, including the Association of Public and
Land-grant Universities, Entomological Society of America, and many others. Additional
transparent processes will be established to solicit views from stakeholders including
federally funded researchers, universities, libraries, publishers, users of federally funded
research results, and civil society groups.
Approved policy Finalize the public access policy for scholarly publications and obtain the
approval of the USDA secretary.
Phase II (2016)
Policy in effect in 2016 The policy will be in effect on January 1, 2016. Implementation
will be prospective and, as noted above, unless approved by all of the authors and
contributors. Extramural projects with previously established USDA funding instruments
lacking a public access requirement are exempt unless amended, but are encouraged to
follow the policy.
Collect comments Continuously solicit and collect stakeholder inputs and lessons learned.
Phase III (2017 and beyond)
Revise policy to incorporate comments Work in full and open consultation with
stakeholders to continuously improve the public access policy.
B. Business Processes, Procedures and Resources
The OSTP policy directive will dramatically change the way agencies, other organizations, and
individual researchers conduct both business and science. The USDA public access policy for
scholarly publications establishes major implementation requirements to which USDA programs,
offices, and procedures will adhere when addressing the planning, submission, management,
access, and preservation of scholarly publications. USDA will adopt a systematic approach to
implement the public access policy that will:
Explore new approaches and partnerships with authors, federal agencies, publishers,
publishing organizations such as CrossRef
and FundRef
, and other stakeholders to obtain
final peer-reviewed manuscripts or published articles.
Ensure that the public can read, download, and analyze in digital form final peer reviewed
manuscripts or final published documents without charge no later than 12 months
following publication.
Establish terms of use that require anyone downloading a publication or other documents
agrees to properly attribute any subsequently used reference or quotation. The agreement
will include reference to the appropriate legal consequence of non-compliance.
Provide a mechanism for stakeholders to petition for changing the 12 month embargo
period for a specific field by presenting clear evidences demonstrating that the USDA
implementation plan would be inconsistent with the objectives articulated in the OSTP
memorandum. Evidences can be emailed to the National Agricultural Library. Evidence
presented will be weighed against the benefits of public access. The USDA will work with
other Federal agencies that also fund research in that field to coordinate consistent cross-
agency policies.
Ensure that publications be stored for long-term preservation while remaining publicly
accessible for discovery, retrieval, and analysis.
Adopt sound, non-proprietary preservation standards and archival formats for publications
and associated content.
Develop practical backup, migration, and technology refreshing strategies.
Partner with other appropriate scholarly publication archives across the federal, academic,
and business communities.
Develop a business plan that details a sustainable funding model for approval by the USDA
Science Council no later than January 2016. An initial PubAg system development effort
was supported by a working capital fund through the National Agricultural Library. The
recurring operating and maintenance costs will be supported by existing research budgets.
Key Milestones:
Phase I (2015)
Implementation team and structure Establish a virtual public access implementation
team and proper management structure to develop an implementation plan, execute the
plan, and carry out the implementation effort.
Publisher negotiation Negotiate with publishers to establish agreements for automatic
article ingestion, preprocessing, and access. In 2012, USDA’s researchers published papers
in more than 1,700 journals with more than 400 publishers.
Submission flow and structure Develop a robust submission flow and establish proper
organizational structures to process, organize, and manage article submissions for review
and publication.
Quality assurance mechanisms Establish systematic quality assurance processes and
allocate proper resources to review and curate article submissions to ensure high quality.
Compliance mechanisms Establish proper mechanisms (e.g., Digital Object Identifiers,
PubAg ID, FundRef interfaces, and APIs) to facilitate compliance. Current oversight of
grants and other financial assistance allows for withholding or adjustment of funds at the
end of each performance period. Failure to comply will negatively influence future funding
Phase II (2016)
Cost model Develop a practical cost model to record and report the operational cost of
implementing public access to scholarly publications. The cost model could be publication-
or annual-based and will be developed and determined by the USDA Science Council.
Operation funding mechanisms Develop practical and sustainable funding mechanisms to
ensure the permanent operation, preservation and long-term accessibility of USDA’s
scholarly publications.
Terms and conditions Develop proper copy right languages for grant terms and
Publisher agreements Establish agreements for automatic article ingestion,
preprocessing, and access with major publishers and journal titles.
Submission flows and mechanisms Establish flexible flows for manuscript submission.
Accept manuscripts in a range of common electronic formats.
Compliance reporting Develop processes to collect and report compliance information.
Phase III (2017 and beyond)
Collaboration arrangements Collaborate with partners to maximize the potential for
interoperability between public and private platforms and creative reuse to enhance value
to all stakeholders, and thereby maximize the impact of the Federal research investment.
Publication and dataset linkage Define processes and identify resources to facilitate the
linkage between scholarly publications and corresponding scientific datasets.
C. Information Systems and Automation
USDA plans to leverage its existing investments in public access tools and repositories of full-text
scholarly publications (e.g. Agricultural Online Access Database, NAL Digital Collections, Automatic
Indexing System, and NAL Thesaurus) to create the foundation for an expanded repository suitable
for achieving the objectives of the new public access policy. NAL’s Agricultural Online Access
Database currently holds more than 5 million citation records and Digital Collections currently
house more than 90,000 scholarly articles. USDA also plans to collaborate with public and private
partners on the implementation of parts of this expanded and enhanced repository system in
order to avoid unnecessary costs to USDA’s science enterprise. This system will:
Store, organize, and manage the publications collected or submitted under the public
access policy for scholarly publications.
Be established using an open architecture and follow industry standards to facilitate open
government, enable integration, and promote interoperability.
Have the capacity to integrate scholarly publications with appropriate scientific databases.
Integrate easily into USDA science agencies’ websites.
Apply best practices, advanced technologies, and industrial standards to provide access for
persons with disabilities consistent with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Adopt common standards to enable integration and interoperability with other federal
public access archival solutions and other appropriate archives.
Implement an agency strategy and establish mechanisms for measuring and enforcing
An analysis of alternatives was conducted in early 2013 to compare the costs, benefits, feasibility,
risks, and issues related to various approaches. A modular and hybrid approach was recommended
to develop the desired system solution. A conceptual view of the system called PubAg is illustrated
in Figure 1. This design leverages existing USDA investments and software modules, open source
software tools, private sector products, and reusable modules produced by the National Library of
Medicine, Data.gov and other organizations.
A beta version of the PubAg system (http://pubag.nal.usda.gov) has been developed and became
publicly available October 1, 2014. The current PubAg system supports the submission of articles
from authors, data management, article indexing, search and discovery of articles, and
preservation mechanisms. Further enhancements are planned to enable article ingestion from
publishers, to support text mining and discovery, and to interface with USDA project tracking
systems to monitor and enforce public access policy compliance.
Figure 1 PubAg: Public Access to Agricultural Scholarly Publication System Architecture
Key Milestones:
Phase I (2015)
Standards and formats Adopt industrial metadata standards and full-text formats for
manuscripts and final published articles. Ensure full public access of publications’ metadata
without charge upon first publication in a data format that ensures interoperability with
current and future search technology. Where possible, the metadata will provide a link to
the location where the full text and associated supplemental materials will be made
available no later than the 12 month embargo period.
Technical approach Analyze the pros and cons among central, distributed, and hybrid
approaches. Select a practical approach for the implementation.
Preservation approach Evaluate and adopt best practices and open technologies for long-
term preservation.
System architecture Develop system architecture to serve as a blueprint for system
implementation and deployment.
Manuscript submission system module Develop a manuscript submission system to
accept both final peer-reviewed manuscripts and published papers from authors or
Data management module Develop capabilities to manage metadata generation,
acquisitions, quality control, and auditing.
Search and discovery module Develop a web-based user interface for searching,
browsing, and accessing citations and full-text articles.
Compliance reporting protocols Define formal protocols for collecting and reporting
compliance information.
Information exchange Application Program Interface (API) protocols Define formal
protocols to facilitate machine interface with external systems and to enable the
implementation of compliance tracking.
Phase II (2016)
Multiple input formats Accept manuscripts in a range of common electronic formats.
Publisher interface module Facilitate access or upload of full-text articles from publishers.
Preservation and curation standards Use standards, widely available and, to the extent
possible, nonproprietary archival formats for text and associated contents. Provide for
long-term preservation and access to the content without charge.
Compliance reporting module Develop a system module to automate the collection and
report of necessary compliance information based on the defined protocols.
Information exchange APIs Develop various APIs to facilitate machine interface with
external systems.
Phase III (2017 and beyond)
Partner exchange modules Develop robust modules to harvest and share repository
contents and system services with partners.
Preservation and curation modules Develop system modules to facilitate permanent
preservation and long-term accessibility of peer-reviewed scholarly publications.
Publication and dataset linkage Develop system modules to facilitate and automate the
linkage between scholarly publications and corresponding scientific datasets.
D. Outreach, Education and Training
Public access to federally-supported research results presents a new challenge for many USDA
science professionals, awardees, and other stakeholders. As such, outreach to these stakeholders
that includes proper education and training are critical to the success of public access
implementation. Major stakeholders include:
USDA science support professionals These professionals will undertake the mechanics of
writing requests for applications, ensuring policy compliance, collecting and compiling
project reports that will measure success, and developing systems to track compliance.
Collaborate with FundRef to add funding agency identifiers to manuscript/article metadata.
A combination of FundRef, Digital Object Identifier (DOI), compliance reporting Application
Program Interfaces (APIs), and article metadata will be used for compliance reporting and
Partners’ administrative professionals Support professionals at universities and other
science organizations ensure project director and organizational compliance, are heavily
involved in the research reporting process, and oversee business processes that will be
affected by the implementation of the policy.
Leaders in scientific societies, professional organizations, and other affected stakeholder
groups Because these individuals advocate for scientific fields and their members,
complete USDA transparency to this group is a must.
USDA intramural and extramural Scientists Scientists will need to learn how to submit
scholarly publications and relevant metadata to the PubAg system.
Outreach activities will take several forms:
Awareness presentations and electronic communications to staff, professional
organizations and scientific societies:
- USDA scientists and support personnel will undertake these activities during the
early implementation phases. Already, 300 people have received training on
manuscript submission; 50 have received training on compliance tracking. These
experiences help inform planning for large-scale outreach.
- Changes to extramural award terms and conditions and other policy and procedural
requirements will be communicated to stakeholders in coordination with other
science agencies.
Collection of stakeholder input via:
- The Federal inter-agency working groups
- Outreach meetings and presentations
- Other feasible methods
Key Milestones:
Phase I (2015)
Talking points Develop a standard set of talking points to describe the policy and
implementation plan of public access to scholarly publications.
Outreach plan Develop a comprehensive outreach plan to enable a full and open
consultation with all stakeholders to continuously improve the public access policy and
Training plan Develop a training plan to analyze target audiences; identify training needs;
outline training methods; describe training materials; outline training modules; define
training roles, responsibilities and requirements; plan training schedule; as well as sketch
evaluation methods.
Phase II (2016)
Training modules Develop training curricula that include the course title, course design,
contents, delivery methods, potential instructors, and required associate course materials.
Online training modules Develop training modules with proper technology for online
Workshops Develop workshop plans that include objectives, target audiences, activities,
handouts, facilities, feedbacks and evaluation mechanisms.
Phase III (2017 and beyond)
AgLearn training module Develop a training module to be delivered through AgLearn, the
USDA online learning university.
Expanded training modules Continue to revise, improve, and expand training modules.
III. Public Access to Digital Scientific Data
This section describes USDA’s approach to increase public access to digitally formatted scientific
data as defined in the OSTP Public Access memorandum (February 22, 2013). In addition to the
overall objectives described in section I, this section of the plan makes provisions to ensure that
implementing access to digitally formatted scientific data:
Preserves publicly accessible digitally formatted scientific data for search, retrieval, and
Recognizes proprietary interests, business confidential information, and intellectual
property rights, and avoids significant negative impact on intellectual property rights,
innovation, and U.S. competitiveness; and
Protects confidentiality and personal privacy
A. Policy
The development of a departmental policy on public access to digital scientific data is USDA’s first
step to ensure compliance with federal laws, executive orders, directives, and policies. The policy
enhances innovation and competitiveness by maximizing the potential to create new business
opportunities. It will accelerate scientific breakthroughs and innovation as well as enhance
economic growth and job creation. The policy serves as a roadmap for mission area and/or
individual USDA agency compliance, and sometimes serves as a charge for mission areas and/or
USDA agencies to undertake their own implementation.
A portion of the data that will be affected by this policy falls under the implementation of OMB M-
13-13. Therefore, part of the departmental policy will promote consistency between agencies and
across intramural and extramural research programming. Implementation of M-13-13 is currently
proceeding. This includes the enterprise data inventory required in Section III.3.a of OMB
Memorandum M-13-13 (“Open Data Policy – Managing Information as an Asset”, May 9, 2013).
More information about USDA M-13-13 efforts can be found on USDA’s web site. Extramural
programs are in various states of adoption of open data best practices. The departmental policy,
coupled with the publication of this plan, will ensure that USDA agency open data efforts proceed
in a coordinated fashion.
Upon final acceptance of the USDA Public Access to Data plan by OSTP and OMB, USDA will begin
authorship of such departmental policy for approval by the Secretary. The departmental policy will
take into account the OSTP and OMB review of this draft plan, past and current stakeholder input,
and experience with existing efforts in the Department that provide science value-added access to
scientific data.
This policy will contain, at a minimum, the following elements that address
internal and external research:
Scope of the policy and definitions from relevant OMB circulars, as they relate to the
Responsibilities of parties within the Department for data access implementation, to
include: the Office of the Secretary, Subcabinet officials, the Chief Scientist of the
Department, Chief Information Officer of the Department, intramural and extramural
research agency Heads, and additional officers vested with authority and responsibilities
for implementation;
Formation of a USDA Science Output Access Policy (SOAP) Council, which will be co-chaired
by the USDA Chief Scientist (or SES designee) and the USDA Chief Information Officer (or
SES designee), with representation from key intramural and extramural science Agencies in
the Department;
A process for periodic review and revision of the science output access plan, as well as the
policy itself.
In the interim, the Chief Scientist of the Department, working with other Agencies and Mission
Areas through the USDA Science Council, will lead USDA Public Access to Scientific Data policy
development until the SOAP Council is in place.
Tasks of the USDA Science Output Access Policy (SOAP) Council
After approval of this implementation plan, either the SOAP Council or its Science Council
predecessor will conduct the following activities to the extent feasible and consistent with law;
agency mission; resource constraints; U.S. national, homeland, and economic security:
Establish policies and strategies that will result in compliance with the OSTP Public Access
memorandum in the following areas:
o Meeting Public Access goals and objectives;
o Business Processes, Procedures, and Resources;
o Information Systems and Automation; and
o Outreach, Education, and Training
o Development of an agency strategy for measuring and enforcing compliance for
both intramural and extramural research activities
The SOAP Council will establish an overall USDA leader in each of the five areas, foster
synchronization among these areas and across the department, and ensure close
Existing science value-added efforts within the Department to promote public access to digital scientific data include
USFS Research Data Archive, NIFA/NSF iPlant initiative, ARS National Plant Germplasm System, and NRCS Geospatial
Data Gateway.
coordination with other science agencies and partnering organizations. Milestones and
their target dates, as described in this document, may be altered because of these efforts.
Seek robust, ongoing, and high-level feedback from internal and external stakeholders,
o Federally funded researchers,
o Universities,
o Libraries,
o Publishers,
o Users of Federally funded research results, and
o Civil society groups
Compile an inventory of intramural and extramural research activities that will be affected
by the OSTP Public Access memorandum. This inventory will serve as a baseline, and will
categorize the current state of intramural and extramural research activities as:
o Category 1: In full compliance with the directive;
o Category 2: In partial compliance with the directive and share some data in some
fashion, with an explanation of the shortfall;
o Category 3: Do not currently share data; and
o Category 4: Likely to be excluded from the scope of the directive, including the
reasoning for that exclusion
This inventory will serve as the basis for measurement of departmental compliance with
the OSTP directive. Intramural and extramural work on this inventory is already
proceeding. However, final categorizations will be informed by the aforementioned
departmental policy, as guided by stakeholder input. The inventory will identify existing
activities that might serve as model programs. Inventory information on research activities
in Categories 2 and 3 will be used to prioritize implementation efforts, recognizing that
some research activities will face significant adoption challenges given near term systems
and resources. For Category 4, agencies will identify barriers for activities that face
significant adoption challenges and propose possible solutions where appropriate.
Additionally, this inventory will provide a broad overview of the significant intellectual
property, attribution, security, and other crosscutting challenges that are likely to be
encountered during implementation of the plan.
Periodically review data set citation recommendations. While current departmental
approaches for identifying and providing appropriate attribution to scientific data sets
represent modern best practices, this element of the plan recognizes that the science
community’s approach to data set attribution may evolve over time.
Cooperate in the authorship of the IT and Business Plan study described later in this
Author and submit to the Science Council an option memo that provides Agencies with
guidance on the strengths and weaknesses of the following strategic IT policy options:
o Development of a USDA data repository for all federally supported research data;
o Contribution to a single federal wide data repository;
o Encouragement of a highly interoperable federal, academic, private hybrid system
This memo will be informed by the aforementioned inventory as well as the in-depth study
discussed in the information technology section of this document. It will assess and take
into account the long-term needs for the preservation of scientific data in the food,
agricultural, and natural resources fields, probable implementation costs, and additional
Agency and Mission Area policy requirements needed to measure and enforce compliance
with each respective option. Further, these options should include alternative funding
requirements and business models that will contribute to a final business plan.
The SOAP Council will develop and present action and policy recommendations, complete
with a recommended business plan that details a sustainable funding model, for approval
by the USDA Science Council no later one year after approval of this implementation plan
based on these options. This sustainable funding model will identify resources within the
existing agency budget to implement the plan.
Key milestones (2015 2016):
OSTP and OMB approve USDA’s implementation plan for access to digital scientific data
USDA convenes SOAP Council and begins drafting departmental policy
Complete inventory of affected programs and their categorization
USDA publishes departmental policy
Provide option memo with guidance for Agencies and Mission Areas
B. Business Processes, Procedures and Resources
While some programs and Agencies have significant experience with providing public access to
scientific data, the OSTP Public Access memorandum will dramatically change the way that all
USDA Agencies, partner organizations, and individual researchers do their work. A phased
implementation is necessary to secure the benefits of increasing access to federally funded
research without causing undue disruption to the research system that the public relies on for new
discoveries. Implementing long-term preservation of and public access to digital scientific data will
require substantially more training and acculturation than improving public access to scholarly
publications, as relatively few USDA scientists or research agreement awardees have practical
experience with this activity. The scientific community’s delivery infrastructure for digital scientific
data is also much less mature than the analogous infrastructure for scholarly publications. Portions
of USDA-funded scientific data sets reside on scientists’ computers, and data set documentation
resides primarily in the heads of the scientists working on the individual research projects.
Phase 1 (Learning and Expansion: 2015 - 2016)
As previously discussed, several programs are already substantially in compliance with the Public
Access memorandum, and others can serve as pilots for expansion. Affected agencies will form
implementation teams to facilitate learning from existing programs and to oversee the success of
pilots for expanding implementation of the policy. These agency teams should coordinate business
process, procedures and resources with their counterparts across the department and report
regularly to the SOAP Council. The SOAP Council will be responsible for coordinating activities of
implementation teams with efforts by science agencies outside the Department to implement the
Public Access to Scientific Data policy. However, agency teams might need to work directly with
agencies in other departments to coordinate activities. Agency implementation teams and the
SOAP Council will solicit and evaluate stakeholder input. Based on this input, the following are
likely steps that will foster compliance with the new departmental policy:
Performance standard and element modification;
Agency and/or Mission Area intramural research project management guidelines;
Award terms and conditions;
Request for application templates;
Grants.gov and agency grant preparation instructions (general instructions, FAQs,
application checklist, lengthening minimum page standards to accommodate data
management plans, etc.);
Guidance for the inclusion of appropriate costs for data management and access in
extramural funding proposals;
Project data management plan evaluation rubrics to ensure proper assessment of plan
Encouraging scientific journals to require data availability as a condition of publishing
research articles; and
Other steps as necessary
For internal researchers, the key steps will include building open data-related compliance into
performance standards and elements, ideally including the Research Grade Evaluation process.
Data management plans for extramural research will be evaluated as a part of grant applications
and periodically verified as part of reporting. Non-compliance will jeopardize current and/or future
agency funding. The approach created by USDA Forest Service and the Joint Fire Science Program
(JFSP) to track compliance with data preservation and access components of JFSP awardees’ data
management plans can inform the development of compliance mechanisms for USDA research
grants and contracts.
USDA science and science support employees who participate in pilots and teams will be seen as
forward-looking leaders. Activities may include the following recommended best practices:
Publishing intramural data thorough existing public sites and data repositories;
Presenting in-service best practice workshops for USDA colleagues;
Authorship of research project data access plans;
Leadership of extramural programs calling for data management plans;
Creation of discipline-based data standards and/or repositories;
Conducting outreach activities for external scientists;
Developing IT or business process infrastructure to manage increased public data access;
Service on an agency public data access implementation team; and
Participating in Public Access to Data policy development
In 2015, the USDA-level working group will solicit information about pilot participation from
affected agencies as one measurement of compliance. This information will be reported to the
SOAP Council no later than 60 days after the solicitation is distributed to affected USDA agencies.
Phase 2 (Mainstream Implementation: 2016 - 2017)
The Learning and Expansion phase will inform the Mainstream Implementation phase, in which
policy implementation is extended throughout the Department’s science enterprise. Performance
guidance will include increased public data access as a standard for USDA scientists and support
staff. Changes to extramural award terms and conditions and other policy and procedural
requirements will be communicated to stakeholders in coordination with other science agencies.
USDA will also notify awardees and other federally funded scientific researchers of their
obligations via requests for applications, federal register notices, and changes in award terms and
conditions, as necessary. Extramural research program requests for applications will begin to
require data management plans as a part of new proposals; similarly, new intramural research
studies will require data management plans. These data management plans will, at a minimum,
describe how the researcher(s) will provide for long-term preservation of, and access to, the digital
scientific data created by the proposed study. Alternatively, researchers can explain in their data
management plans why long term preservation and access cannot be justified, if applicable. USDA
will reserve the right to review and disallow the researcher’s argument against long-term
preservation and access and require conformance to the access policy for digital scientific data as
a condition of funding. New extramural research programs and intramural research projects will
begin as Category 1 (in full compliance) beginning in 2016.
All USDA-funded researchers will be required to comply with USDA’s policy for making the digital
data underlying the conclusions of peer-reviewed scientific research publications freely available
in public repositories in machine readable formats. USDA will ensure that data management plans
include clear plans for sharing research data. USDA will also ensure new awards to researchers are
not made unless the researcher has successfully satisfied all terms of completed previous awards
from USDA, including making digital data produced in the course of previous USDA-funded
research freely available in compliance with the relevant data management plans for the previous
In 2016, Agencies and Mission Areas will report to the SOAP Council on intramural and extramural
Category 2 & 3 science programs that are not prepared to expand public access to research data.
Reports will describe barriers to expansion and plans to improve adoption.
Phase 3 (Sustainable Adoption: 2018 and beyond)
Agencies will be expected to make substantial progress to improve data sharing, while preserving
the balance between the: 1) relative value of long-term preservation and access; and 2) associated
cost and administrative burden. Post award compliance mechanisms will be perfected and added
to award terms and conditions. Progress will be reported to the Directors of OSTP and OMB
regularly through the SOAP Council or its designated successor organization. It is important to note
that some research, due to feasibility; privacy; consistency with law; business confidential
information and other proprietary interests; agency mission; resource constraints; and/or U.S.
national, homeland, and economic security will not afford public access to data. This could be the
case for entire research programs, including the Small Business Innovation Research program and
some research capacity funding programs.
Key Milestones:
Phase 1 Learning and Expansion (2015 2016)
Pilot programs identified
Agency implementation teams formed
Draft updates to performance standards and elements completed
SOAP Council solicits progress reports
Agencies submit progress report to SOAP Council
Phase 2 Mainstream Implementation (2017)
Final publication of new award terms and conditions, which have cleared the required
federal register process, as well as concomitant grant and agreement documents and other
resources (post award compliance mechanism work ongoing)
Fiscal year performance plans incorporate new performance standards
Agencies report non-early adopting projects and programs
Projects and programs broadly adopt public access protocols; on-going redirection of
internal resources to support phased adoption; intramural and extramural research may
follow different tracks
Experience provides feedback on the public access protocols semi-annually throughout
the phased adoption process
SOAP Council solicits progress reports
Agencies submit progress report to SOAP Council
Phase 3 Sustainable Adoption (2018 and beyond)
Adoption across USDA’s science enterprise is completed and supported by sustainable
systems 6 years after initial plan approval and decades into the future
SOAP Council solicits progress reports annually throughout phased adoption; possibly
biannually for up to four years after adoption is completed
Agencies submit progress report to SOAP Council not more than 30 days after solicitation
Cultural shift in USDA science community successfully implemented 2025 and beyond
C. Information Systems and Automation
The graphic below shows a desirability continuum of research data sharing information systems.
An IT and Business Plan study will be submitted by the SOAP Council during Phase 1 that
discusses findings and recommendations in the following areas, at a minimum:
o An inventory of appropriate, available, and/or developing federal and non-federal
data repositories, which are currently or are poised to receive research data
consistent with the requirements of new federal open data access policies;
Single perfect
federal RDS
set of complete
based RDS
Complete &
coverage with a
private hybrid
RDS systems
Complete non-
coverage with a
distributed RDS
coverage with
distributed RDS
systems, some
distributed RDS
around academic
Spotty RDS
systems with
little or no
Few or no
research data
sharing (RDS)
few or no RDS
Less Desirable
More Desirable
o Potential public-private partnerships with foundations and other research funding
organizations, including the new Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research as
proposed in the President’s 2015 Budget;
o Data standards common to single and multiple disciplines in the food, agriculture,
and natural resources sectors;
o Recommended near-term modifications to the CRIS system and REEport to allow
accommodation of data management plan information, more robust metadata, and
new compliance tracking;
o Potential for REEIS and other existing systems to serve as public metadata portals;
o Identify ways to optimize search, archival, and dissemination features, and ensure
long-term stewardship of the results of federally funded research. For example, the
Forest Service Research Data Archive (FS RDA) participates in CrossRef, science.gov,
and Thomson-Reuters Data Citation Index to improve search. In addition, FS RDA
data sets are considered permanent Federal records, ensuring long-term
stewardship by the agency and NARA; and
o Strategies being pursued by the largest science agencies (NIH, NSF, others) to
increase public data availability
This study should be informed by previously identified Category 1 and pilot programs that
are leading departmental efforts. As part of Phase 1, the SOAP Council will use this study to
develop near-term action recommendations for approval by the USDA Science Council.
Encourage development of discipline-based data management standards and data
repositories by scientists who are undertaking pilot program activities. As soon as possible
after the aforementioned data repository inventory is made available, key portions should
be made available to all USDA scientists.
Prototype first round of changes to the CRIS system and REEport to accommodate data
management fields by the end of Phase 1.
Develop a catalog of data sets generated via USDA-sponsored research to enable
researchers to locate and cite data sets and to link those data sets to the scientific
literature. This catalog is expected to be part of the comprehensive public listing of agency
data that is required by the 2013 May 9 Executive Order and OMB Memorandum M-13-13.
The USDA data catalog will serve not as a repository of study data, but as a registry that will
have information describing the data set (i.e. metadata) and information about where and
how to access the data. The metadata in the catalog will be able to provide both scientific
metadata and the Federal government’s common core metadata scheme (available at
USDA will explore the development of a research data commons, a federated system of
research databases, along with other Departments and Agencies for storage,
discoverability, and reuse of data with a particular focus on making the data underlying the
conclusions of peer-reviewed scientific publications resulting from federally funded
scientific research available for free.
Key Milestones (2015 2016):
SOAP Council receives working group study that includes an inventory of existing data
repositories, potential public-private partnerships, prospective changes to reporting
systems, and other near-term action recommendations
USDA Science Council decides near-term action recommendations
Strategic options memo presented to the SOAP council
Pilot data standards and repository development undertaken by USDA are summarized
USDA Science Council decides strategic data management directions and long term action
Initial changes to REEport are prototyped to accommodate data management reporting, in
coordination with other science agencies that use Research Performance Progress
Reporting standards
D. Outreach, Education and Training
Public access to federally supported research data is a new concept for many USDA science
professionals, awardees, and other stakeholders. USDA needs to provide training, education, and
workforce development related to data management, analysis, storage, preservation, and
stewardship, in coordination with other agencies and the private sector. This will include:
USDA Intramural and Extramural Scientists Scientists will need to learn how to develop
high quality data management plans, the most effective avenues to make data public, and
best practices to facilitate re-use of the data.
USDA Intramural and Extramural National Program Leaders National Program Leaders will
need to become informed about the current state of public data access in their fields in
order to provide the best possible science leadership.
USDA Extramural Program Panelists and Panel Managers Panelists and panel managers
will need to learn how to evaluate data management plans. USDA will examine current
best practices in this area and develop guidance for program panelists and panel managers
during the pilot year. USDA Forest Service’s experience with Joint Fire Science Program’s
implementation of data management plans in 2011 is expected to provide insight.
USDA Science Support Professionals These professionals will undertake the mechanics of
writing requests for applications, ensuring policy compliance, collecting and compiling
project reports that will measure success, and developing systems to track compliance.
Researchers must report on execution of their data management plan in their final reports
to the agency. For intramural program staffs, the key step to ensuring this will include
building data access-related compliance into performance reviews. Data management
plans for extramural research will be evaluated as a part of grant applications and
periodically verified as part of reporting; extramural program staffs will play a key role in
this process. Non-compliance will jeopardize current and/or future agency funding, a
process that will be implemented by extramural program staffs.
Partnering Administrative Professionals Support professionals at universities and other
science organizations ensure project director and organizational compliance, are heavily
involved in the research reporting process, and oversee business processes that will be
affected by the implementation of the policy.
Leaders in scientific societies, professional organizations, and other affected stakeholder
groups Since these individuals advocate for their scientific fields and membership,
complete USDA transparency to this group is critical.
Outreach activities will take several forms:
Awareness presentations and electronic communications to existing professional
organizations, scientific societies;
o USDA scientists and support personnel will undertake these activities during the
pilot and early implementation phases
Collection of stakeholder input via:
o Applicable Federal Advisory Committees
o Presentations and outreach activities
o Non-formal methods
Formal training and job aid development and delivery, including job aids to facilitate
panelist evaluation of data management plans.
The SOAP Council Outreach, Education, and Training group will coordinate these activities.
In 2015, this working group will publish a set of official USDA-wide talking points for use by USDA
scientists and other leaders to use at existing venues where stakeholders gather. These talking
points will be approved by the USDA Office of Communications and the USDA Science council by
this date. Based on these talking points, this group will conduct an internal USDA webinar to
create awareness among USDA scientists and support personnel.
The working group will coordinate with Federal Advisory Committees to assess the knowledge
needs of the stakeholders outlined above. It will poll the affected agencies to determine the sorts
of stakeholder questions that are being received and the types of training being requested. In
2015, the working group will compile an inventory of all existing, planned, and unplanned but
required training based on individual agency needs. The working group will coordinate the
development of this training within USDA to reduce duplication, as well as facilitating adaptation
of existing training published by other agencies, universities, and other organizations. The majority
of these resources required for the implementation phase will be complete by 2016. With
guidance by the working group, agencies will develop and share these resources utilizing the most
appropriate medium for the audience and message.
Key Milestones (2015 2016):
Official USDA-wide talking points developed and approved
Conduct webinars for USDA science and support personnel; make available for viewing
Meet with applicable Federal Advisory Committees and poll agencies to assess training
List of existing, planned, and unplanned but required training created
Complete coordinated agency efforts to make future training available
Key Milestones (2016 and beyond):
Institutionalize the provision of regular and ongoing training and outreach information
regarding increasing access to publically funded research data for internal and external
scientists and stakeholders.
Refine training and outreach materials as needed.