Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
compiled by David Mays
Note: These have been accumulated over a long period of time and some have changed.
Donald McGavran
Four major tasks of the church:
1. Evangelizing the world
2. Worshipping God
3. Translating, expounding, and teaching the Bible
4. Applying Biblical truth, so that God's will may be done on earth as it is in heaven
Missions Strategy of the Local Church, MARC
The church has three primary tasks:
1. To worship God
2. To build up His Body, and
3. To evangelize and minister to the world
Wheaton Bible Church
Wheaton, IL
Love God
Grow Together
Reach the World
Tabernacle Church of Norfolk
Norfolk, VA
To Know Him and to Make Him Known
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Minneapolis, MN
"To spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things, for the joy of all peoples, through Jesus
The Fellowship
Easton, MA
Building Up One Another in Love for the Work of Christ in the World
Richland Bible Church
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
Richland, MI
Helping individuals, here and worldwide,
know God well and worship Him
joyfully together in community.
North Point Community
Leading people into a growing relationship with Christ
Hill Country Bible Church
Austin, TX
HCBC is a family of believers
Committed to reaching people
With the life-changing reality
Of Jesus Christ
...that every man, woman and child in Greater Austin has the chance to experience the life-changing
reality of Jesus Christ because they hear the gospel from the lips of someone at Hill Country Bible Church
Calvary Church
Los Gatos, CA
To equip, motivate and empower the people of Calvary Church, through the Holy Spirit, to pray, go and
give, thereby glorifying and worshipping God.
To heartily bring the light of the Gospel to a dark world (Col 3:23); and
To glorify God: We as a committee want to facilitate the Body of Christ at Calvary in worshipping God
through growth in Christian maturity and in bringing Christ to the unreached peoples of the world.
Believers Bible Fellowship
Churubusco, IN
Knowing Jesus Christ with a passion,
Growing as fruitful disciples with a plan,
Going into a lost world with a purpose!
Bay Area Community Church
Annapolis, MD
To make passionate, maturing followers of Christ from here to the nations!
Westover Church, Greensboro, NC
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
"To create and disciple mature followers of Jesus Christ worldwide."
South Hills Community Church, San Jose, CA (in the 70s)
“Building People to Disciple the Nations” (203)
Christ Church of Oak Brook, Oak Brook, IL
To go into all the world as witnesses of the life-changing love of Jesus Christ,
making communities of disciples who worship, grow, and serve.
Blanchard Road Alliance Church, Wheaton, IL
Forming a people through Christ to glorify Him everywhere.
Mapleridge Community Church (CMA), W. Lafayette, IN
- Our Vision -
To be a community for believers through which Jesus Christ reveals Himself – locally, nationally and
internationally – by transforming peoples lives, equipping them for life, leadership, & service, and
reviving His Church
Parkside Christian Church, Cincinnati, OH
REACH the lost for Christ: Witness
GROW the believer toward maturity: Discipleship
SERVE the world with love: Ministry
ENCOURAGE the faithful through community: Fellowship
EXALT the Lord in life: Worship
First Evangelical Free Church
Rockford, IL
Our Mission:
To bring people into a life-changing and growing relationship with Jesus Christ
Our Vision:
We will make disciples by equipping believers to take Christ into their world seven days a week, and by
identifying and reaching specific unchurched people groups with the Gospel
Hill Country Bible Church, Austin, TX
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
HCBC is a family of believers committed to reaching people with the life-changing reality of Jesus
Church of the Savior, Wayne, PA
Exalt the Living God
Equip God's People
Evangelize the Nations
Truro Episcopal Church Outreach Handbook, 1989
The purpose of Truro Church is first: to love, glorify, honor and obey the Lord Jesus Christ and to help all
members of the body to do so as well and, secondly: to proclaim the Gospel by reaching out to the
community and the world through the church.
Castleview Baptist Church, Indianapolis
The mission of Castleview Baptist Church is to glorify God, build up its members in love, and reach out to
unbelievers to win them to Christ.
Fairhaven Church, Dayton, OH
Purpose of Fairhaven Church
1. To know and worship God.
2. To enable one another to care and grow.
3. To train and involve people in ministry.
4. To speak and live out the gospel.
5. To recruit and send laborers into the world.
Reinhardt Bible Church, Dallas, TX
Rheinhardt Bible Church's twofold purpose is
1. To provide worship, fellowship, and instruction for Christian believers, and
2. To proclaim the Gospel of grace at home and abroad.
College Church, Wheaton
We believe that the chief end of College Church is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. In fulfilling this
purpose we affirm three priorities.
The first is upward, for our love and worship of God is the highest priority of Christian life.
The second is inward, because our care for, and discipleship of the body of Christ is the earthly
responsibility of the church.
The third is outward, for Christ, the head of the church, calls us as His body to missions, evangelism, and
social concern.
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
We believe that none of these priorities should be emphasized at the expense of the others, but that
together they fulfill the directive of Holy Scripture.
Faith Missionary Church, Indianapolis, IN
By faith in God, in obedience to Jesus Christ, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, the purpose of
Faith Missionay Church is to
EVANGELIZE those without Jesus,
DISCIPLE each believer toward maturity,
EQUIP each for ministry and
SEND each to share the love and compassion of Jesus with a needy world in order to bring glory to God.
College Avenue Baptist Church, San Diego
The purpose of College Avenue Baptist Church is to win, equip and display committed followers of Jesus
Christ who will share his love and truth from San Diego to the ends of the earth.
Los Gatos Christian Church, Los Gatos, CA
The primary purposes of Los Gatos Christian Church are twofold:
1) To communicate the gospel message to every person whom God gives us an open door, beginning in
our 'Jerusalem' and extending worldwide through missions outreach; and,
2) To disciple and equip for effective Christian living and service all those who become a part of the local
body, and to support similar efforts worldwide.
Highlands Community Church, Renton, WA
Purposes to provide an organism through which Christians can give glory to God in accordance with His
Word in:
Worship - Praise and Adoration:
Evangelism - Reaching the Unreached:
Edification - Spiritual Growth and Equipping for Spiritual Ministry:
Fellowship - Caring and Sharing in Love
Long Hill Chapel, Chatham, NJ
We believe that The Church exists to glorify God by being:
First, committed to Jesus Christ - a worshipping body; a place where the focus of everything we do is on
Committed to one another - a loving fellowship; a place where people are nurtured.
Committed to the world - a witness by word and deed of God's saving face; a place where people become
equipped to serve.
Cornerstone Bible Church, San Jose, CA
Our purpose is to glorify God through equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry so that every
man, woman, and child in the Santa Clara Valley has the opportunity to hear, to understand, and to accept
or reject Jesus Christ as Savior, and that every attender of Cornerstone Bible Church become actively
involved in the completion of the Great Commission in foreign lands.
Willowcreek Community Church
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
To turn irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Community Fellowship, Glen Ellyn, IL
The mission of Community Fellowship is to build mature believers in Jesus Christ and equip them to
minister to the church body and to reach out to the community and the world.
Crystal Evangelical Free Church
The purpose of Crystal Evangelical Free Church is to proclaim and live the gospel of Jesus Christ in a way
that will impact our community and the world to the glory of God.
Northside Community Church, Atlanta, GA
Purpose: To multiply Christian communities through the contribution of every member to the ministry of
worship, edification or mission.
The Branch Fellowship, Harleysville, PA
We will use every available opportunity
In all walks of life
To lovingly persuade the world
To become committed followers of Jesus Christ
And responsible members of His growing Kingdom
So that they may do the same.
South Park Church
South Park Church exists to love God and the people he has created.
We show that love through our commitment
> to Scripture and prayer,
> to providing an environment where people can
- find Jesus Christ,
- worship,
- grow,
- serve, and
- be accountable to God and each other, and
> to reaching out into our community and world,
offering hope in the name of our Savior and Lord.
First Church of the Nazarene, Winterhaven, FL
To be active disciples of Christ by:
> Attracting and leading the unsaved to Jesus.
> Encouraging Christians to consecrate themselves to God.
> Providing a climate in which spiritual growth can occur.
> Equipping believers for effective ministry.
> Doing acts of compassion to alleviate suffering in Jesus' name.
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
Matthew 28:19-20. Ephesians 4:11-13
Central Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, MD
from a missions priority statement
God calls us to worship Him and share Jesus Christ with his world.
World Evangelization is vital to the life of our church, and must be foundational and visible in every aspect
of our ministry.
Harvest Bible Chapel, Rolling Meadows, IL
purpose statement of the missions ministry
The purpose of the missions ministry at Harvest Bible Chapel is to glorify God by sending those the Holy
Spirit uniquely sets apart from our midst to
plant disciplemaking churches, primarily cross-culturally, and to discern those people who are ministering
effectively, primarily in a cross-cultural
context, and to give them our support.
Grace Community Church, Newburgh, IN
Grace Community Church: exists for the four-fold purpose of exaltation, edification, evangelism, and
extension. Our purpose statement is as follows:
Exaltation: Grace Community Church exists to worship and glorify God, both as individuals and as a body
of believers together.
Edification: Grace Community Church exists to help believers build a foundation of Biblical understanding,
establish relational ties through
small groups, discover and use their spiritual gifts within the body of christ, and be involved in the process
of life-change discipleship, so that they might demonstrate authentic Christ-like love.
Evangelism: Grace Community Church exists to reach unreached people by
equipping and mobilizing believers to seek out those who do not know Christ, by providing a weekly
service for seekers to attend with a
Christian friend, and by helping believers identify opportunities to share Christ's love. We also exists to
reproduce other churches locally and around the world.
Extension: Grace Community Church exists to enrich and enlighten our world according to God's Word by
demonstrating love and righteousness in
both word and deed, especially through caring for the needy.
Grace Evangelical Free Church, Louisville
Our mission is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ in our generation.
Bay Presbyterian Church, Bay Village, OH
THE CROSS. Our first priority in ministry is to call people to a commitment to Christ.
THE PEOPLE. Our second priority is to call people to a commitment to the Body of Christ.
THE WORLD. Our third priority is to call people to a commitment to the Work of Christ in the World.
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
Jeus is the Word Church, Indianapolis, IN
To go and make disciples of all nations -- from our families and homes to urban communities and
throughout the world.
Calvary Church of Souderton
Souderton, PA
Our purpose is to introduce people to Jesus Christ and help them grow as fully devoted followers.
Wheaton Bible Church
Wheaton, IL
We will glorify God by being a caring Christian community that shares Jesus Christ with others
everywhere, incorporates them into our fellowship with Him, and builds up everyone to become His joyfully
devoted followers.
Saddleback Valley Community Church
To bring people to Jesus and membership in his family, develop them to Christlike maturity, and equip
them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world, in order to magnify God’s name.
Holt Baptist Church, Holt, MI
Forming faithful and fruitful followers of Christ
Fellowship Bible Church
Little Rock, AR
To epuip Christians to change the world through irresistible lifestyles and influential works of service.
Evangelical Community Church
Cincinnati, OH
The purpose of Evangelical Community Church is to magnify the Lord our God by bringing people to
Jesus and membership in His family, developing to Christlike maturity, and equipping them for ministry
and mission in the church and world - under the guidance of and in the power of the Holy spirit.
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
New Beginning Presbyterian Church
Ft. Wright, KY
We are a caring Christian family called by God to know Christ and to make Him known. We joyfully
accept Christ’s commission to make disciples and we seek to reach those who are receptive to a Christ-
centered and Biblically-based faith. We shall seek to fulfill our calling through: celebrative worship, life-
related Bible study, loving relationships, gift-related ministry, fervent prayer, faithful stewardship, and life-
style evangelism to the end that we might mature in Christ-like character and conduct.
Eagle Alliance Church
Indianapolis, IN
Reaching the unchurched and leading people to be fully devoted followers of Christ.
Tabernacle Presbyterian Church
Indianapolis, IN
We believe God’s vision for our church is to become a new community in Christ where people of all races
are reconciled to God and to one another and reaching the world with the Gospel.
Bethel Temple
Evansville, IN
Our Vision: To build a church of passionately committed believers who will shake the unchurched people
of our city, tri-state, natin and world with the truths of God’s word, the life-changing power of the Holy
Spirit, and the saving knowledg of Jesus Christ.
Eastside Church of God
Anderson, IN
We exist for the purpose of lifting up Jesus Christ as Savior for the lost, as Lord of the Church, as
reconciler for the world so that people may discover hope for living.
Grace Evangelical Church
Fayetteville, GA
Our Vision:
Becoming a community in Christ…
reaching our world for Christ.
Spanish River Church
Boca Raton, FL
Working together with God to reach and transform people.
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
Westgate Chapel
Toledo, OH
Our purpose is to fulfill the great commission by leading people to Christ, nurturing them in their faith,
equipping them for ministry, and deploying them in service for Christ in His world.
Traders Point Christian Church
Indianapolis, IN
To impact our community and the world in the name of Jesus Christ we are committed to:
Teach His Word,
Prepare His Church,
Conform to His Likeness,
Care for His People
Central Wesleyan Church
Holland, MI
The mission of the Central Wesleyan Church is to build fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who reach
Holland and beyond with the Gospel.
New Hope Church
Denver area
Spreading a passion for the glory of God from our homes to all peoples of the earth
Blanchard Road Alliance Church
Wheaton, IL
As God’s family, we want to worship Him well in all we do, develop people by building disciples, and grow
by reaching people outside His family.
First Baptist Church
Rochester, MN
The purpose of this corporation shall be to facilitate and encourage the
A – worship of God according to the teachings of the Bible
B – edification of the saints
C – evangelism of the world
D – ministering to the needs of others in the name of Jesus Christ.
Cornerstone Community Church
Denver area
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
Cornerstone Church Exists to Make Disciples Who Know Christ More Fully, and To Make Disciples Who
Make Christ More Fully Known.
Cherrydale Baptist Church
Arlington, VA
Cherrydale's missions vision is to mobilize and
equip the church to make disciples and plant churches locally and globally.
Hill Country Bible Church
Austin, TX
Hill Country Bible Church is a family of believers committed to reaching people with the life-changing
reality of Jesus Christ.
Missions purpose statement:
“Hill Country Bible Church is a family of believers committed to reaching people across the barriers of
language or culture with the life-changing reality of Jesus Christ.”
Broadway Christian Church
Ft. Wayne, IN
We will Glorify God by being a healing community through the Sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ
to all people, Discipling them to become fully devoted followers of Jesus, Equipping all believers or
meaningful mnistries for the Serving of others through their spiritual gifts, talents, and passion for building
up the body of Christ.
By Obeying the Great Commission (Mt 28:18-20)
In Accepting the Great Confession (Mt 16:13-19)
While Embracing the Great Commandment (John 13:34-35)
Through the Empowering of the Great Counselor (John 14:16, 17, 26)
In Accomplishing the Great Charge (Eph 4:11-16)
Griswold Street Baptist Church
Port Huron, MI
To preach the gospel and to teach the World of God; to minister in Christian service to the community in
which we are located; to promote the spiritual development of believers; and to seek the salvation of the
lost through evangelism in missions at home and abroad.
Our vision is to be a unified community of redeemed believers, who rely on God through prayer for
power and direction, for the purpose of carrying out the Great Commission. Our aim is to establish an
atmosphere, based on God's Word, of love, encouragement, enrichment and acceptance as we glorify
and serve Christ at home and abroad.
Mosaic (formerly Church on Brady)
Los Angeles
To glorify God by being a spiritual reference point for East Los Angeles and a sending base to the ends of
the earth.
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
Tom Horn
The purpose of the Church is Worship. Instruction, Fellowship, Evangelism. The first three will exist for all
eternity. Evangelism is limited by time and space, thus giving it a more urgent responsibility.
David Shibley
“The purpose of the church is to bring God glory through the worldwide proclamation, reception and
worship of His Son.” Once in a Lifetime, p. 17
Church Discipleship Ministry (of the Navigators)
The purpose of the Church Discipleship Ministry is to serve local churches by helping them reach, disciple,
and equip people to know Christ and to make him known through successive generations.
South Hills Community Church
San Jose, CA (70s)
Building men to disciple the nations
Hope Church
Indianapolis, IN
To bring glory to God by reaching the unchurched and making passionate followers of Christ through
commitment to outreach, worship, fellowship, discipleship and ministry.
Cedar Springs Presbyterian
Knoxville, TN
We are not ashamed of the Gospel, which is salvation to those who believe. We seek to preach it, teach
it, and demonstrate it through acts of love and mercy among all peoples in obedience to our Lord’s
command until He returns.
Harvest Community Church
Milwaukee, WI
Our purpose is to equip, encourage, educate, and elevate missions at harvest community church for the
fulfilling of the Great Commission.
New Covenant Church
Middletown, OH
Developing World Christians to develop World Christians (banner in the church)
Lakeview Baptist Church
Auburn, AL
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
We believe that God’s purpose for Lakeview Baptist Church is to love the Lord God and to express that
love by making, nurturing, and equipping disciples of Jesus Christ in Auburn and throughout the world
Methodist Temple
Evansville, IN
Our Mission: To make disciples of Jesus Christ
by the proclamation of the gospel in word and deed.
East 91st Street Christian Church
Indianapolis, IN
East 91
Street Christian Church exists to honor God by attracting and leading people to faith in Christ,
connecting individuals in meaningful relationships, developing them to Christ-like maturity and love for one
another, and empowering them for service in the church and a life mission in the world.
Community Bible Church
Cedar Lake, IN
Our mission is…
Communicating the Gospel
Conforming to the Truth
Celebrating the Lord
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
East 91
Street Christian Church
Indianapolis, IN
To be a first-century church for the 21
century, helping people of all ages and ethnic groups become
growing disciples of Jesus Christ in northeast Indianapolis, across America, and around the world.
Adore God through worship in spirit and truth
Bring people to faith in Christ
Connect them in meaningful relationships
Develop them to Christlike maturity and love
Equip them for service in the church and world.
Faith – in Christ as Savior and Lord, in the truth of God’s Word, in the power of prayer.
Hope – Emphasis on the good news of Christ, encouragement and joy, expectation of positive life-change
Love – healthy relationships based on honesty and integrity, humility and self-sacrifice, and unity in the
body of Christ
Grace – excellence in service to God and others, concern for lost people wherever they are, generous
giving (not only of our financial resources, but also giving others mercy, forgiveness, trust, and
Fall Creek Community Church
Fishers, IN
To know & honor Christ,
living as the community of God’s people
as we reach out to a lost world
with the love of Christ & the hope of the gospel.
Hope Church
Indianapolis, IN
"Hope Church exists for the glory of God by reaching the unchurched and making passionate followers of
Christ locally and globally through
commitment to outreach, worship, discipleship, fellowship and ministry."
Wheaton Bible Church
Wheaton, IL
We will glorify God
as a worshipping and caring community
with a local and global passion to
share Jesus Christ with others
build joyful followers of Christ and
equip them to transform their world.
Covenant Fellowship Church
Urbana, IL
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
To produce Kingdom workers
Independent Presbyterian Church
Memphis, TN
"To Glorify God through the means of Grace, by teaching the living Christ and the blessed truths of God's
inerrant Word as interpreted through the
Reformed Faith."
Alliance Community Church
Ft. Wayne, IN
At Alliance Community Church we are committed to encourage each other in our relationships with Jesus
Christ, to serve the body of Christ and profess the gospel to others.
Fellowship Missionary Church
Ft. Wayne, IN
"Fellowship Missionary Church exists to reach lost people and develop them into fully devoted followers of
The Promise
Lewis Center, OH
The Promise is a worshiping, loving, learning, serving, and multiplying community that
pursues intimacy with God,
personal wholeness and
seeks to make a difference for Christ in the world
Hope Church
Indianapolis, IN
Our mission: to bring glory to God locally and globally.
West Cross Alliance Church in Anderson
Mission: To know Christ in His fullness and to take the Good News to the whole world, beginning first in
Anderson, through a strong, Christ-centered community focused congregation.
Vision: To be a Healthy Great Commission Church of love, acceptance, and forgiveness.
Alliance Community church, Ft. Wayne:
"At Alliance Community Church we are committed to encourage believers to grow in their relationship with
Jesus Christ, to serve the Body of Christ, and to profess the gospel to others."
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
Wabash, Indiana, Alliance Church
"The purpose of our church is to teach and equip believers in the Lord Jesus Christ that they may reach
unbelievers with Christ."
Maple Ridge Community Church
Our Mission
We believe God’s purpose for Maple Ridge Community Church is to glorify Himself through our
becoming a living, life-giving expression of His redemptive presence throughout our community
and the world.
We are therefore called as co-laborers with God to extend His Kingdom through evangelism that is
strategic and compassionate; by discipling believers into being fully devoted followers of Jesus and
through the work of renewal in His Church.
We believe this happens as we grow into the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ in both our character and
ministry through the transforming and enabling power of His Holy Spirit.
Our Vision
To be a community of believers through which God reveals Himself – locally, nationally, and internationally
– by transforming people’s lives, equipping them for life, leadership and service, and bringing renewal and
revival to His Church.
Amy Donaldson
(765) 497-4509
Springwater Church, Huntington, IN
SpringWater church exists ot bring people, by the power of the Holy S”pirit, into a transforming relationship
with Jesus by intentional relationships.
Our vision is to reach the un-churched and the emerging generation with the timeless, revolutionary
message of Jesus, to make them followers of His life, and then messengers to all the world.
First Baptist Church
Geneva, IL
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a community of faith that shines like a beacon of hope to our region, doing whatever it
takes to share God's transforming love with the world.
Our Mission
Our mission at First Baptist Church of Geneva is to honor God by making more disciples for Jesus Christ.
We will accomplish this mission by being:
A Place to Believe... where the Bible is taught as truth, people are won to faith and God is worshipped in
reverent celebration
A Place to Belong... where people are assimilated into the life of the church through caring relationships
Developing a Missions Strategy that Fits Your Church
Church Purpose Statements
David Mays 09-12 v.1.2
A Place to Become... where Belivers are challenged to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ,
growing in him and using their spiritual gifts in his service.
Perimeter Church
to glorify God
That loving and serving Christ is the highest priority and the most satisfying experience of life, and that
giving and serving are much richer life experiences than receiving and being served.
That the believer's responsibility is to integrate truth into every aspect of life so as to live as a bond-servant
of Christ whether in the marketplace, home, social arena or church.
That salvation is only by faith and since faith is the certainty of things unseen, it pleases God to attempt
things so great for Him that they are doomed to failure unless God is in them.
That God alone is absolute, that all truth comes from God and that the only special revelation of truth to
man is God's Word, the Bible, being inspired, infallible, unchangeable and powerful.
Our Vision:
To Establish A Safe Home In North Atlanta For God's People To Mature And Be Equipped Followers Of
Christ In Order To Establish An Effective Mission To Non-Kingdom People.
(To Make Mature And Equipped Believers For The Lost World.)
To Bring Greater Atlanta Into An Encounter With The Kingdom Of God In Such A Way As To Alter Its
Moral, Social, Educational And Political Structures.
To Be Instrumental In Starting Healthy Churches Worldwide Which Are Effective In Making Mature And
Equipped Believers For The Lost World.
First Congregational Church
Hopkinton, MA.
To reach Hopkinton, Metrowest and the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Greencastle Christian Church
Greencastle, IN
Our mission:
To glorify God by evangelizing the lost and nurturing the saved.
(Eph 4:12-17 & Mt 28:18-20)