Chris Miller-Rosales
Education and Training
Postdoctoral Mental Health Policy Research, Harvard Medical School, 2022
Ph.D. Health Policy (Organizations and Management), UC Berkeley, 2021
M.S.P.H. Health Policy (Health Economics), Johns Hopkins University, 2015
B.S. Environmental Economics and Policy, UC Berkeley, 2013
Research Experience
2021-Present Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Health Care Policy
2021-Present Research Associate III, Kaiser Permanente Division of Research
2017-2021 Graduate Student Researcher, UC Berkeley, Health Policy and Management
2019-2020 Predoctoral Fellow, Sutter Health Center for Health Systems Research
2018-2019 Graduate Student Researcher, UCSF Implementation Science Program
2015-2017 Senior Research Analyst, Kaiser Permanente Division of Research
2013-2014 Graduate Research Assistant, Johns Hopkins, Health Policy and Management
2012-2013 Research Scholar, Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program
1. Miller-Rosales C, McCloskey J, Uratsu C, Ralston J, Bayliss E, Grant RW (In Press).
Associations between different self-reported social risks and neighborhood-level resources in
Medicaid Patients. Medical Care.
2. Miller-Rosales C, Miake-Lye I, Brewster A., Shortell S, Rodriguez, HP (In Press). Pathways
for primary care practice adoption of patient engagement strategies. Health Services
3. Berkowitz R, Bui L, Shen Z, Pressman A, Moreno M, Brown S, Nilon A, Miller-Rosales C,
Azar K (2022). Evaluation of a social determinants of health screening questionnaire and
workflow pilot within an adult ambulatory clinic. BMC Family Practice.
4. Bui L, Marshall C, Miller-Rosales C, Rodriguez, HP (2021). Hospital adoption of electronic
decision support tools for preeclampsia management. Quality Management in Health Care.
5. Miller-Rosales C & Rodriguez, HP (2021). Interdisciplinary primary care team expertise
and diabetes care management. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine.
6. Kene M, Miller-Rosales C, Wood S, Rauchwerger AS, Vinson DR, Sterling SA (2018).
Feasibility of expanded emergency department screening for behavioral health problems. The
American Journal of Managed Care.
7. Miller-Rosales C, Sterling SA, Wood SB, Ross T, ... Grant RW (2017). CREATE Wellness:
A multi-component behavioral intervention for patients not responding to traditional
cardiovascular disease management. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications.
8. Young-Wolff KC, Kline-Simon AH, Das S, Mordecai DJ, Miller-Rosales C, Weisner C
(2016). Smoking trends among adults with behavioral health conditions in integrated health
care: a retrospective cohort study. Psychiatric Services.
Publications Under Review
1. Miller-Rosales C, Lewis V, Shortell S, Rodriguez, HP. Adoption of patient engagement
strategies by physician practices in the United States.
2. Miller-Rosales C, Brewster A, Shortell S, Rodriguez HP. Health care system and physician
practice characteristics associated with chronic care management and patient engagement
3. Rodriguez HP, Rubio K, Miller-Rosales C, Wood A. Association of physician practice
adoption of patient engagement strategies with utilization and spending for adults with
diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Fellowships, Awards, and Honors
2021 University of California Dissertation-Year Fellowship
2021 Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award
2009-2020 Gates Millennium Scholar, full-ride fellowship, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2019-2020 Sutter Health Fellowship in Health Equity and Implementation Science
2015 Alumni Ambassador of the Year, Gates Millennium Scholarship Program
2013 Johns Hopkins Department of Health Policy and Management Scholarship
2012 Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program
Conference Presentations
2022 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Associations between different self-
reported social risks and neighborhood-level resources in Medicaid. Poster.
2022 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Hospital characteristics associated
with behavioral health integration in emergency departments. Poster.
2021 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Adoption of electronic decision
support tools for preeclampsia management and severe maternal morbidity. Panel.
2021 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Evaluation of a pilot study to
standardize social determinants of health data collection within an integrated,
multi-specialty healthcare system. Poster.
2020 Grantee Workshop of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Comparative Health System Performance Initiative. Health system influences on
practice adoption of care management and patient engagement strategies. Panel.
2020 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Comparing practice and health
system influences on practice adoption of patient engagement strategies. Panel.
2019 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Broader primary care team expertise
is associated with better patients’ experiences of chronic care in community
health centers. Washington, DC. Poster.
2012 National McNair Research Conference. Public health and the Indonesia financial
crisis. Lake Geneva, WI. Panel.
2012 California McNair Research Symposium. Public health and the Indonesia
financial crisis. Berkeley, CA. Panel.
Teaching Experience
2020 Lead Graduate Student Instructor, Organizational Behavior and Management in
Health Care, UC Berkeley School of Public Health. Graduate.
2019 Course Planner and Guest Lecturer, Designs for Intervention Research in Real-
World Settings, UCSF Implementation Science Training Program. Graduate.
2018, 2019 Graduate Student Instructor, Introduction to Health Policy and Management, UC
Berkeley School of Public Health. Graduate.
2010 Teaching Assistant, Critical Thinking and Writing, UC Santa Cruz Kresge
College. Undergraduate.
Ad-Hoc Journal Reviews
Journal of General Internal Medicine, Medical Care
Academic Service
2022 Conference Abstract Reader, AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting
2018-2021 Alumni Board Member, College of Natural Resources at UC Berkeley
2019-2021 Mentor, Advancing Aging Research at UC Berkeley
2019-2021 Doctoral Student Organizer, Demographers of Color at UC Berkeley
2018-2021 Outreach Coordinator, Gates Millennium Scholars SF Bay Area Chapter
2019 Executive Committee, UC Berkeley Ph.D. in Health Policy
2018 Admissions Committee, UC Berkeley Ph.D. in Health Policy
2014-2016 Scholarship Reader, Cal Alumni Association Scholarship
2016 Scholarship Reader, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
2016 Scholarship Reader, Gates Millennium Scholars Program
Professional Experience
2014-2015 Analytic Consultant Intern, Quality and Operations Support, Kaiser Permanente
2014 Population Health Intern, Care Management Institute, Kaiser Permanente