E Stone 1 Updated 8/2022
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health email: estone@jhu.edu
Department of Health Policy and Management website: elizabethmstone.com
624 N. Broadway Ave, Rm. 508 pronouns: she/her/hers
Baltimore, MD 21205
2019-2023 (expected) Doctor of Philosophy, Health Policy and Management
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Concentration: Health and Public Policy
Dissertation: The role of state agencies in mental health services for individuals with intellectual
or developmental disabilities and mental illness
Committee Members: Beth McGinty (advisor), Elizabeth Stuart, Danielle German, Alex McCourt
2016-2018 Master of Science in Public Health, Health Policy
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
2008-2013 Bachelor of Music, Music Therapy (summa cum laude)
University of Evansville, Evansville, IN
Minor: Psychology
Professional Experience
2019-Present Research Assistant
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Developing methodological tools to account for concurrent state policies in opioid research
(PIs: Elizabeth Stuart and Beth Ann Griffin)
Evaluating the intended and unintended effects of opioid prescribing cap policies (PI: Beth
National survey of gun policy (PI: Colleen Barry)
Policy development to protect health officials from harassment and threats (PIs: Beth
Resnick and Paulani Mui)
State medical cannabis laws, chronic pain, and opioids (PI: Beth McGinty)
Understanding primary care physicians’ knowledge of and attitudes toward medication for
opioid use disorder (PI: Beth McGinty)
2017-2019 Senior Research Program Coordinator
Division of General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
2016-2017 Research Assistant
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Smoking cessation treatment and mental Illness (PI: Beth McGinty)
2014-2016 Music Therapist
St. Alexius Hospital, St. Louis, MO
Provided music therapy services including design and implementation of interventions,
patient assessments, and coordination with interdisciplinary team members for adult and
geriatric patients on medical, intensive care, and psychiatric units.
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2013-2014 Music Therapist
Metro Music Therapy, Peachtree Corners, GA
Provided music therapy services including design and implementation of interventions,
patient assessments, and coordination with interdisciplinary team members for individuals
and groups with intellectual and developmental disabilities, dementia, and end-stage
hospice diagnoses.
2022-Present The role of state agencies in mental health services for individuals with co-occurring
intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental illness (F31MH131311)
National Institute of Mental Health
Amount: 100% salary support, tuition
Role: Principal Investigator
2022-2023 State agencies and services for individuals with dual IDD and mental illness diagnoses
Wendy Klag Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Amount: $15,000
Role: Principal Investigator
2022-2023 Texas state agency transformation and mental health services for people with dual diagnoses
Institute for Health and Social Policy
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Amount: $10,000
Role: Principal Investigator
2019-2022 Mental Health Services and Systems Training Program (T32MH109436)
National Institute of Mental Health
Amount: 100% salary support, tuition
Co-PIs: Elizabeth Stuart, Colleen Barry, Beth McGinty
Role: Pre-doctoral Trainee
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
1. White SA, Stone EM, Murphy KA, Daumit GL, McGinty EE. (2022). Smoking cessation medication prescribing for
smokers with and without mental illness. Psychiatric services. In press.
2. Ward JA, McGinty EE, Hudson T, Stone EM, Barry CL, Webster DW, Crifasi CK. (2022). Reimagining public safety:
Public opinion on police reform and gun violence prevention by race and gun ownership in the United States.
Preventive medicine. In press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2022.107180
3. Stone EM, Tormohlen KN, McCourt AD, Schmid I, Stuart EA, Davis CS, Bicket MC, McGinty EE. (2022). Association
between state opioid prescribing cap laws and receipt of opioid prescriptions among children and adolescents.
JAMA health forum, 3(8), e222461. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamahealthforum.2022.2461
4. Schmid I, Stuart EA, McCourt A, Tormohlen K, Stone EM, Davis C, Bicket M, McGinty EE. (2022). Effects of state
opioid prescribing cap laws on opioid prescribing after surgery. Health services research, 1-11.
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5. Haber NA, Clarke-Deelder E, Feller A, Smith ER, Salomon J, MacCormack-Gelles B, Stone EM, Bolster-Foucault C, Daw
JR, Hatfield LA, Fry CE, Boyer CB, Ben-Michael E, Joyce CM, Linas BS, Schmid I, Au EH, Wieten SE, Jarrett BA, Axfors C,
Nguyen VT, Griffin BA, Bilinski A, Stuart EA. (2022). Problems with Evidence Assessment in COVID-19 Health Policy
Impact Evaluation (PEACHPIE): A systematic strength of methods review. BMJ open, 12(1), e053820.
6. Ward JA, Stone EM, Mui P, Resnick B. (2022). Pandemic-related workplace violence and its impact on US public
health officials, March 2020 January 2021. American journal of public health, 112(5), 736-746.
7. Murphy KA, Daumit GL, McGinty EE, Stone EM, Kennedy-Hendricks A. (2021). Predictors of cancer screening among
Black and White Maryland Medicaid enrollees with serious mental illness. Psycho-oncology, 1-7.
8. Stone EM, Kennedy-Henricks A, Barry CL, Bachhuber MA, McGinty EE. (2021). The role of stigma in U.S. primary care
physicians’ treatment of opioid use disorder. Drug and alcohol dependence, 221, 108627.
9. Murphy KA, Stone EM, Presskreischer R, McGinty EE, Daumit GL, Pollack CE. (2021). Cancer screening among adults
with and without serious mental illness: A mixed methods study. Medical care, 59(4), 327-333.
10. Crifasi CK, Stone EM, McGinty EE, Barry CL. (2021). Differences in public support for gun policies between women
and men. American journal of preventive medicine, 60(1), e9-e14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2020.06.028
11. Kennedy-Hendricks A, Bandara S, Daumit GL, Busch A, Stone EM, Stuart EA, McGinty EE. (2020). Behavioral health
home impact on transitional care and readmissions among adults with serious mental illness. Health services
research, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-6773.13594
12. Kennedy-Hendricks A, Barry CL, Stone E, Bachhuber MA, McGinty EE. (2020). Comparing perspectives on medication
treatment for opioid use disorder between national samples of primary care trainee physicians and attending
physicians. Drug and alcohol dependence, 216, 108217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108217
13. McGinty EE, Stone EM, Daumit GL. (2020). Serious mental illness in primary care: A national physician survey.
Journal of general internal medicine, 36, 833-835. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-020-05950-8
14. Stone EM, Rutkow L, Bicket MC, Barry CL, Alexander GC, McGinty EE. (2020). Implementation and enforcement of
state opioid prescribing laws. Drug and alcohol dependence, 213, 108107.
15. Eisenberg MD, Stone EM, Pittell H, McGinty EE. (2020). The impact of academic medical center policies restricting
direct-to-physician marketing on opioid prescribing. Health affairs, 39(6), 1002-1010.
16. Stone EM, Barry CL, Crifasi CK, Webster DW, Vernick JS, McGinty EE. (2020). Support for gun policies among young
adults in the US, 20172019. Preventive medicine, 135, 106094. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2020.106094
17. McGinty EE, Stone EM, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Bachhuber MA, Barry CL. (2020). Medication for opioid use disorder: A
national survey of primary care physicians. Annals of internal medicine, 173(2), 160-162.
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18. McGinty EE, Stone EM, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Bandara S, Murphy KA, Stuart EA, Rosenblum MA, Daumit GL. (2020).
Effects of Maryland's Affordable Care Act Medicaid health home waiver on quality of cardiovascular care among
people with serious mental illness. Journal of general internal medicine, 35(11), 3148-3158.
19. Murphy KA, Daumit GL, Bandara SN, Stone EM, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Stuart, EA, Pollack CE, McGinty EE. (2020).
Association between the Maryland Medicaid behavioral health home program and cancer screening in people with
serious mental illness. Psychiatric services, 71(6), 608-611. https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ps.201900299
20. Stone EM, Daumit GL, Kennedy-Hendricks, A, McGinty, EE. (2020). The policy ecology of behavioral health homes:
Case study of Maryland’s Medicaid health home program. Administration and policy in mental health and mental
health services research, 47(1), 60-72. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10488-019-00973-8
21. Crifasi CK, Stone EM, McGinty EE, Vernick JS, Barry CL, Webster DW. (2019). Differences in public support for
handgun purchaser licensing. Injury prevention, 26(1), 93-95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/injuryprev-2019-043405
22. Barry CL, Stone EM, Crifasi CK, Vernick JS, Webster DW, McGinty EE. (2019). Trends in public opinion on U.S. gun
laws: Majorities of gun owners and non-gun owners support a range of measures. Health affairs, 38(10), 1727-1734.
23. McGinty EE, Stone EM, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Sanders K, Beacham A, Barry CL. (2019). Trends in U.S. news media
coverage of solutions to the opioid epidemic, 2013-2017. Preventive medicine, 126, 105771.
24. Brighthaupt SC, Stone EM, Rutkow L, McGinty EE. (2019). Effect of pill mill laws on opioid overdose deaths in Ohio &
Tennessee: A mixed-methods case study. Preventive medicine, 126, 105736.
25. McGinty EE, Stone EM, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Barry CL. (2019). Stigmatizing language in news media coverage of the
opioid epidemic: Implications for public health. Preventive medicine, 124, 110-114.
26. Kennedy-Hendricks A, Levin J, Stone E, McGinty EE, Gollust SE, Barry CL. (2019). News media reporting on
medication treatment for opioid use disorder amid the opioid epidemic. Health affairs, 38(4), 643-651.
27. Stone EM, Chen LN, Daumit GL, Linden S, McGinty EE. (2019). General medical clinicians’ attitudes toward people
with serious mental illness: A scoping review. The journal of behavioral health services and research, 46(4), 656-679.
28. Murphy K, Daumit GL, Stone E, McGinty EE. (2019). Physical health outcomes and implementation of behavioral
health homes: A comprehensive review. International review of psychiatry, 30(6), 224-241.
29. Daumit GL, Stone EM, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Choksy S, Marsteller JA, McGinty EE. (2019). Care coordination and
population health management strategies and challenges in a behavioral health home model. Medical care, 57(1),
79-84. https://doi.org/10.1097/MLR.0000000000001023
30. Barry CL, Sherman SG, Stone E, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Niederdeppe J, Linden S, McGinty EE. (2019). Arguments
supporting and opposing legalization of safe consumption sites in the US. International journal of drug policy, 63, 18-
22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2018.10.008
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31. Barry CL, Webster DW, Stone E, Crifasi CK, Vernick JS, McGinty EE. (2018). Public support for gun violence prevention
policies among gun owners and nongun owners in 2017. American journal of public health, 108(7), 878-881.
32. Stone EM, McGinty EE. (2018). Public willingness to pay to improve services for individuals with serious mental
illness. Psychiatric services, 69(8), 938-941. https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ps.201800043
33. McGinty EE, Barry CL, Stone EM, Niederdeppe J, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Linden S, Sherman SG. (2018). Public support
for safe consumption sites and syringe services programs to combat the opioid epidemic. Preventive medicine, 111,
73-77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2018.02.026
34. McGinty EE, Kennedy-Hendricks A, Linden S, Choksy S, Stone E, Daumit GL. (2018). An innovative model to
coordinate healthcare and social services for people with serious mental illness: A mixed-methods case study of
Maryland's Medicaid health home program. General hospital psychiatry, 51, 54-62.
Articles Currently Under Peer Review
1. Tormohlen KN, McCourt AD, Stuart EA, Bicket MC, Stone EM, Schmid I, Davis CS, McGinty EE. State prescribing cap
laws’ effects on opioid prescribing and overdose. Under review, revision requested.
2. McCourt AD, Tormohlen KN, Schmid I, Stone EM, Stuart EA, Davis CS, Bicket MC, McGinty EE. Effects of opioid
prescribing cap laws on opioid and other pain treatments among persons with chronic pain. Under review, revision
3. Stone EM, Crifasi CK, Ward JA, Vernick JS, Webster DW, McGinty EE, Barry CL. National support for gun policies
following the 2020 election. Under review, revision requested.
4. Bicket MC, Stone EM, McGinty EE. Cannabis use and substitution for prescription opioids among persons with
chronic non-cancer pain. Under review.
5. Rosen JG, Stone EM, Mbizvo MT. Age-of-consent requirements and adolescent HIV testing in low- and middle-
income countries: Multinational insights from 51 population-based surveys. Under review.
Articles in Progress
1. Crifasi CK, Stone EM. Public Support for Provisions of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Invited editorial; in
2. Stone EM, Lee R, Bicket MC, Tormohlen KN, McGinty EE. Perceived stigma related to use of cannabis or prescription
opioids to treat chronic pain. In progress.
3. Tormohlen KN, Stone EM, Lee R, McGinty EE. Use of cannabis to manage chronic pain. In progress.
4. Stone EM, Sharfstein S, Barry CL. 50 years of mental health policy and economics. In progress.
5. Stone EM, Jopson A, McCourt AD, German D, Stuart EA, McGinty EE. Barriers and facilitators to inter-agency
coordination of mental health services for individuals with dual diagnoses. Dissertation paper; in progress.
6. Stone EM, McCourt AD, German D, Stuart EA, McGinty EE. Mental health service use among individuals with
intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental illness. Dissertation paper; in progress.
7. Stone EM, McCourt AD, German D, Stuart EA, McGinty EE. State agency integration and mental health service use
and quality for individuals with dual diagnoses: A mixed methods case study. Dissertation paper; in progress.
E Stone 6 Updated 8/2022
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistantships, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
1. Foundations in Health Policy I-III (Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023)
Primary Instructor: Brendan Saloner
~10 PhD students; in-person and online instruction
Familiarizes students with foundational readings in health policy and provides an understanding of the theories
and conceptual frameworks used in the development, implementation, and analysis of health policies.
2. MPH Capstone (Spring 2021, Spring 2022)
Primary Instructor: Marie Diener-West
~20 MPH students; online instruction
The MPH Capstone is an opportunity for students to work on public health practice projects that are of
particular interest to them. The goal is for students to apply the skills and competencies they have acquired to a
public health problem that simulates a professional practice experience.
3. MSPH Seminar in Health Policy (Fall 2020, Spring 2021)
Primary Instructors: Beth Resnick, David Earle
~30 MSPH students; in-person instruction
Introduces work undertaken in health policy settings and prepares students for professional
career development.
4. Public Health Policy, Lead TA (Summer 2020, Summer 2021)
Primary Instructor: Josh Sharfstein
~350 MPH students; online instruction
Introduces MPH students to the many opportunities in public health policy to improve the health of populations
in communities around the world. Focuses on identifying decision-makers, framing problems and key questions,
developing and evaluating policy options, and advocating for change.
5. Public Health Practice (Spring 2020)
Primary Instructors: Beth Resnick, Paulani Mui
~200 MPH students; online instruction
Allows students to engage in a significant practical experience in a public health priority area(s) pre-identified by
a collaborating organization.
6. Social Policy for Vulnerable Populations in the U.S. (Fall 2019, Fall 2020)
Primary Instructor: Beth McGinty
~150 PhD/MSPH/MPH students; in-person and online instruction
Provides students with opportunities for integrating social policy concepts, theories, and frameworks through an
in-depth analysis of the sources of vulnerability and related policy approaches to improve health and social
outcomes in specific vulnerable populations.
7. The Opioid Crisis: Problem Solving Seminar (Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021)
Primary Instructors: Josh Sharfstein, Sean Allen, Saba Rouhani
~75 DrPH students; online instruction
Uses interactive case-based and problem-based strategies to provide an overview of the impact of the opioid
crisis in the United States.
Guest Lectures
1. Mixed Methods for Policy Evaluation. Seminar on Statistical Methods for Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health. Spring 2022.
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2. Using Difference-in-differences in Mental Health Services Research. ALACRITY Center Methods Seminars, Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine. Published online.
3. Practice Defining a Social Policy Problem. Social Policy for Vulnerable Populations in the U.S., Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health. Fall 2020.
4. The Problem Statement and Policy Question. Public Health Policy, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
Health. Summer 2020, Summer 2021.
Honors and Awards
2022-2023 Victor P. Raymond Memorial Award, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2018 Delta Omega Honors Society, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2008-2013 Dean’s List, University of Evansville
Practice Activities
Verbal and Written Testimony
2020 Maryland House of Delegates, Health and Government Operations Committee, HB 1102:
Maryland Music Therapists Act
Research Finding Dissemination Through Media Appearances
2021 Boise State Public Radio. Regulation change could help addiction treatment in the west.
2020 The Trace. Daily Bulletin: Young adults may actually be less supportive of gun reforms than older
Other Practice Activities
2019-2020 Health Policy Intern, Office of Senator Malcolm Augustine, Maryland General Assembly
2016-2017 SOURCE Community Consultant, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Academic Service
Johns Hopkins University
2020-Present Member, PhD Student Advisory Committee
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Fall 2021 Panelist, Dean’s Faculty Workshop: Strategies for Increased Class Enrollments
2021-Present Teaching Fellow, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Teaching Council
Spring 2021 Member, ad-hoc Academic Grievance Committee
Fall 2020 Panelist, Reflections on the virtual TA experience during a pandemic
Summer 2020 Panelist, Dean’s Faculty Workshop: Readiness for the Fall! Final Tips and Strategies
2020-Present Member, Mental Health Grad Network
2019-2021 Member, Doctoral Student Council
Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2020-2021 Co-Chair, Student Coordinating Committee
Scientific Meeting Podium Presentations
1. 50 years of mental health policy and economics. Fifteenth Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry:
Mental Health Services, Economics, and Policy Research, Venice, Italy. March 2022.
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2. A threat to our nation's health: Local health official harassment, threats, and departures. National Association of
Local Boards of Health Annual Conference, Virtual Conference. August 2021.
3. Primary care provider attitudes toward medication treatment for opioid use disorder. Addiction Health Services
Research Conference, Park City, UT. October 2019.
4. Implementation and enforcement of state laws targeting high-risk opioid prescribing practices. Addiction Health
Services Research Conference, Savannah, GA. October 2018.
Scientific Meeting Poster Presentations
1. Implementation and enforcement of state laws targeting high-risk opioid prescribing practices. American Public
Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. November 2019.
2. Applying the policy ecology framework to the implementation of behavioral health homes in Maryland. Annual
Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, Washington, D.C. December 2018.
Invited Seminars
1. Health and social services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental illness.
Department of Mental Health Seminar, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD. November
2. Tobacco smoking cessation treatment for persons with serious mental illness: Clinician attitudes and national
treatment data. Department of Mental Health Seminar, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD. February 2020.
3. Cancer screening and serious mental illness: Quantitative analysis. ALACRITY Center Research in Progress, Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. May 2019.
4. Cancer screening and serious mental illness: Qualitative analysis. ALACRITY Center Research in Progress, Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. March 2019.
Editorial and Other Peer Review Activities
Journal Peer Review Activities
Annals of Family Medicine, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, International Journal of Drug Policy, Journal of Affective
Disorders, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Preventive Medicine Reports, Psychiatric
Professional Activities
2019-Present Member, American Public Health Association
2010-2016 Member, American Music Therapy Association