Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM)
1. Principles and Practice of Management
1. Business - the Purpose of Management
2. Designing Organization for Business
3. Need for Managing Organization and Business
4. Management of Standard Functions
5. Managing Resources
6. Planning, Decision Making
7. Organizing, Staffing
8. Leading: Directing, Communicating, Motivating
9. Controlling, Coordinating (Synchronizing)
10. Evolution of Management Thought
11. Pursuing Managerial Career
2. Operations Strategy and management
1. Introduction of operations strategy
2. Competitive dimension
3. Operations performance
4. Capacity strategy
5. Purchasing and supply strategy
6. Process technology strategy
7. Improvement strategy
8. Product development strategy
9. Process of operations strategy formulation,
implementation, monitoring & control
3. Introduction to Project Management
1. Introduction to Project Management: Genesis,
history and evolution
2. Project Phases and Organisation
3. Understanding and Meeting Client Expectations
4. Project Planning
5. Working with People on Projects
6. Networks for Project Management
7. Resource Levelling and Project Crashing
8. Project Implementation and Monitoring
9. Controlling Projects
10. Introduction to Projects Contracts Management
11. Focussed areas from PMBOK 6 & 7
12. Introduction of other useful frameworks
4. Project Scope, Time, Cost & Total Quality Management
1. Introduction triple constraints
2. Work breakdown structure
3. Project time management
4. CPM-PERT methods
5. Crashing the project time duration
6. Introduction project cost management
7. Operating cycle, budget and control
8. Earned value measurement
9. Variance and earned value
10. Cost overrun dilemma
11. Quality control, quality assurance, TQM and its
impact on time and cost
12. Quality management tools
1. MIS, Project Analytics & Dashboard
1. Introduction & Importance of project analytics
2. Data driven decision making
3. Statistical tools
4. Analytic hierarchy process
5. Lean Six Sigma
6. Statistical application in project management
2. Project Risk Management
1. Introduction & Components of Risk Management
2. Definition and tolerance for risk
3. Plan Risk management
4. Risk identification & analysis
5. Qualitative and quantitative risk analysis
6. Plan risk response
7. Monitor and control risks
8. Holistic Approach for Risk Management
9. Use of lessons learned in risk management
3. Agile project management using scrum
1. Introduction to ‘Agile’ and Its evolution
2. Introduction of scrum
3. Planning a project using scrum
4. Release and sprint planning
5. Scrum roles
6. Scrum flow
7. Scrum artifacts
8. The team
9. Getting maximum out of sprints
10. Scrum for software development
11. Scrum for services
4. Project Procurement, Supply Chain & Contracts
1. Introduction- procurement management
2. Project procurement processes and vendor selection
3. Project procurement management plan
4. Types of contracts
5. Contract principles, terms & condition
6. International contracts
7. Legal aspects of project procurement
8. Introduction supply chain management in projects
9. Closing out project procurement
10. Strategic procurement practice
Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM)
1. Moving from project management to project leadership
1. Introduction of project leadership
2. Understanding teamwork
3. Teams v/s groups and Leadership v/s management
4. Extraordinary project leader
5. Dealing with change
6. Leading generation Y and generation Z
7. Leadership development
8. Organisation structure & culture
9. Getting things done as project leader,
10. Managing Virtual Teams
11. Managing Global Teams
2. Soft skills for Project Managers
1. Persuasion & Negotiation
2. Critical Thinking
3. Conflict management
4. Emotional intelligence
5. Adaptability
6. Teamwork
7. Trust building
8. Communication
9. Coaching
10. Motivation
3. Project Management tool box & MS-Project
1. Introduction to project management tool box
2. Project selection tools
3. Project initiation tools
4. Project planning tools
5. Schedule development tools
6. Budget / cost planning tools
7. Project implementation tools
8. Project performance reporting tools
9. Project closure tools
10. Risk management tools
11. Influencing stakeholder tools
12. Introduction to MS Project
13. Using MS-Project in a Project
4. Strategic Project Management & Competitive advantage
1. Introduction of strategic project management
2. Think out of the bar chart
3. Strategic project management framework
4. Aligning projects with strategic intent / corporate
5. Critical strategic questions
6. Project Decision Making using Dashboard
7. Managing strategic action cycle
8. Taking strategic actions for competitive advantage
1. IT-Software Project management using DevOps
1. Introduction & Overview of DevOps
2. Adopting DevOps
3. DevOps for optimizing IT project delivery pipeline
4. DevOps for driving innovation in IT projects
5. Leading DevOps adoption in the organisation
6. Scaling DevOps for the organisation
2. Project Management maturity model for excellence
1. Define project management maturity
2. Project management maturity levels & Model
3. Self-assessment of project management maturity
4. Best practices in Project management maturity
5. Steps to achieve highest maturity level
3. Project Management in New Product Development and
Infrastructure Sector
Part-1 PM in New Product Development
1. Introduction of Innovation & creativity
2. New product portfolio & strategic alignment
3. Product concept definition, scope & integration
4. New product development projects in consumer
5. Risk and quality management in new product
development projects
6. Organisation structure, processes & team work &
Part-2 PM In Infrastructure sector
1. Reasons of time & cost overrun in infrastructure
2. The construction & infrastructure sector project
3. Stakeholders & their interests
4. Organizing project team
5. Estimating, planning, monitoring & completion
6. Project documentation
4. Project Submission
Identify live projects in your industry, Plan, execute
and manage project using various tools, techniques
and practices
Preparation & submission of report as per the SCDL
Project Preparation Guidelines