Advanced MySQL Exploitation
Muhaimin Dzulfakar
1 Abstract............................................................................................................................................3
2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................3
3 Stacked Query.................................................................................................................................3
4 Attacking MySQL on applications that do support stacked queries...............................................4
5 Attacking MySQL on applications that do not support stacked queries........................................5
6 Fingerprinting the web server directory.........................................................................................7
6.1 Fingerprint through error message method................................................................................7
6.2 Fingerprint through LOAD_FILE method......................................................................................7
7 Maximum size of arbitrary code allowed........................................................................................7
8 Arbitrary file compression/decompression....................................................................................8
9 Dealing with columns......................................................................................................................8
10 Remote code execution on LAMP.................................................................................................9
11 Remote code execution on WAMP.............................................................................................10
References ........................................................................................................................................11
1 Abstract
This document discusses in detail how SQL Injection vulnerabilities can be used to
conduct remote code execution on the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) [1] or
WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP) environments [2]. Attackers performing
SQL injection on a MySQL platform must deal with several limitations and constraints.
For example, the lack of multiple statements in one query makes MySQL an unpopular
platform for remote code execution, compared to other platforms. A lot of research has
been performed in the last few years, concentrating on arbitrary code execution by
attacking SQL Injection vulnerabilities. However, these types of attacks concentrate on the
DBMS connectors that support stacked queries [3]. This document will explain how
different methods can be used to achieve the same result on a DBMS connector that does
not support stacked queries.
2 Introduction
SQL injection is an attack where malicious code is injected into the SQL statement. SQL
Injection attack allows a malicious user to retrieve the structure of the database and
uncover information regarding the application’s operating environment.
It has been proven that arbitrary code execution is the highest risk level a malicious user
can achieve when conducting SQL injection attack.
MySQL is a popular database server and acts as the database component of the LAMP
(Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) and WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP)
software stacks. DBMS connectors for this technology do not support stacked queries by
default. This makes the same technique used to conduct remote code execution on
platforms that support stacked queries, cannot be applied on this platform.
3 Stacked Query
Stacked query is a term to define if a database connection layer can execute more than one
query at a time. Each query is separated by semicolon.
The following example is an example of stacked queries in an SQL Injection attack:
SELECT name FROM record WHERE id = 1; DROP table record; DROP table
In the example above, there are three separate queries requested at one time. The first
query is the actual query from the application. These queries are allowed when called
within the database server. However, when this stacked query is called within the MySQL-
PHP application by default, an error message will be replayed back by the application and
none of the queries will be executed.
4 Attacking MySQL on applications that do support stacked
It has been discovered that the MySQL UDF (User Define Function) library [4] creation
technique, can be used to conduct remote code execution on applications which support
stacked queries. This has been clearly explained by David Litchfield in The Database
Hacker’s Handbook [5].
At Blackhat Europe 2009, Bernando Damele explained the similar technique in detail. The
steps below are taken from Bernando Damele’s whitepaper [6].
1) Create a support table with one field, data-type longblob.
2) Encode the local file content to its corresponding hexadecimal string.
3) Split the hexadecimal encoded string into chunks long 1024 characters each
4) INSERT [7] the first chunk into the support table's field.
5) UPDATE [8] the support table's field by appending to the entry the chunks from the
second to the last.
6) Export the hexadecimal encoded file content from the support table's entry to the
destination file path by using SELECT's INTO DUMPFILE [9] clause. This is
possible because on MySQL, a query like SELECT 0x41 returns the corresponding
ASCII character A.
Here are some requirements to perform this action:
1) DBMS connector must support stacked queries.
2) Session user is required to have FILE [10], INSERT, CREATE [11] and UPDATE
3) On some MySQL versions below 5.1.19, shared library [12] path must be writable
by a session user. Prior knowledge of this directory is also required.
4) On some MySQL versions 5.1.19 and above, system variable plugin_dir [13] must
exist and be writable by a session user. Prior knowledge of this directory is also
It has been known that there are some limitations to this technique. By default, MySQL
Linux runs as a mysql user and the shared library path is not writable by this user.
However, this behavior is not applied to MySQL on Windows. MySQL on Windows runs
as a Local System user and by default, file created by this user can be overwritten onto any
folder. For the recent versions of MySQL, the directory belonging to system variable
plugin_dir does not exist. This directory is required to be created first and writable by a
session user.
5 Attacking MySQL on applications that do not support
stacked queries
Due to the unsupported stacked queries on MySQL-PHP platform, execution of another
statement after the actual statement is not possible. However, execution of another
SELECT statement is possible using UNION syntax [14]. UNION syntax is used to
combine the result from multiple SELECT statements into a single result set.
The statement below taken from MySQL 5.1 Refence Manual:
select_expr [, select_expr ...]
[FROM table_references
[WHERE where_condition]
[GROUP BY {col_name | expr | position}
[HAVING where_condition]
[ORDER BY {col_name | expr | position}
[ASC | DESC], ...]
[LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}]
[PROCEDURE procedure_name(argument_list)]
[INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' export_options
| INTO DUMPFILE 'file_name'
| INTO var_name [, var_name]]
It was discovered that only SELECT INTO DUMPFILE can be used to write arbitrary
binary files onto the database server using UNION SELECT. When injecting this
statement, only one statement can be used to create the whole file. Also, this file cannot be
overwritten by calling another SELECT INTO DUMPFILE statement to write into the
same file.
The statement below taken from MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual:
Only the last SELECT statement can use INTO OUTFILE/DUMPFILE. (However,
the entire UNION result is written to the file.)
Due to the nature of the UNION statement, results retrieved from the first query will be the
first set of data to write into our arbitrary file.
For example:
SELECT content FROM data WHERE id=21 UNION SELECT 0x8A789C....... INTO
If the first query returns any data, this data will overwrite the file header. To prevent this,
we can inject any non existing value in the WHERE clause so no data would be extracted
from the first query. This is to ensure that only our chosen data is written into the file. The
file is also required to be located in a directory where we can execute it. In the case of a
DBMS connector that does not support stacked queries, the best directory to upload this
file onto an Apache web server directory. However, this is only possible in an environment
where the MySQL database and Apache web server are on the same machine. By
uploading onto the Apache web server directory, a PHP script can be used to execute the
file using the SYSTEM function [15]. Here are some requirements to perform this action:
1) Prior knowledge of the Apache web server directory.
2) Session user is required to have FILE privilege.
3) Session user is required to have access to write onto the web server directory.
6 Fingerprinting the web server directory
In some cases where the web server root directory is not located in the default folder during
the installation process, fingerprinting can be used to achieve this information. There are
two methods that can be used to fingerprint the web server directory. It can be
fingerprinted by forcing the application to return an error message or by loading the default
location of the Apache configuration file.
6.1 Fingerprint through error message method
By default, custom error message is turned off by PHP. There are many ways to force the
application to return an error message that contains internal information including the web
server directory. For example, this error message can be generated by injecting a single
quote as part of the SQL data. Here is an example of the error message returned by the
PHP application when a single quote is injected, as part of the SQL data.
Fatal error: Call to a member function execute() on a non-object in /var/www/output.php
on line 15
6.2 Fingerprint through LOAD_FILE method
LOAD_FILE [16] can be used to read a file on the database server. To use this function,
FILE privilege is required by the session user. The file must also be readable by all and its
size must be less than max_allowed_packet bytes value in the Apache configuration file. A
default apache configuration file meets this requirement. The DocumentRoot directive [17]
in this file contains the path of the Apache web server root directory and can be used to
disclose this information.
Here is an example of the query to load an Apache configuration file on Apache version
2.2, in a default installation of Ubuntu Linux.
SELECT LOAD_FILE('/etc/apache2/sites-available/default')
7 Maximum size of arbitrary code allowed
The LimitRequestLine directive [17] in the Apache configuration file allows the web
server to reduce the size of an HTTP request . This includes all information passed in the
query as part of the GET request. The default value for this directive is 8190 bytes. If the
SQL Injection is discovered on the GET request and our query including the arbitrary code
is larger than this value, Apache web server would response with the HTTP Status Code
414 and the request would not be processed.
By default, the Apache web server sets the LimitRequestBody directive to 2GB [17]. This
is the allowed size of an HTTP request message body. If the SQL Injection is discovered in
a POST request, 2GB will give us enough room to upload our arbitrary code.
Web application firewalls also have the ability to terminate a long request. This long
request is normally detected as a buffer overflow attack.
8 Arbitrary file compression/decompression
PHP contains a module called Zlib [18] that can be used to read and write gzip compressed
files. This module can be abused to compress the arbitrary file into a smaller file using the
gzcompress function [19]. The Zlib module is able to compress our file from 9635 bytes to
only 630 bytes. When the compressed file is successfully uploaded on the web server,
gzuncompress function [20] can be used to decompress the file. However, this is only
possible in an environment where the MySQL database and Apache web server are on the
same machine.
9 Dealing with columns
A UNION clause will combine the result from multiple SELECT statements into a single
result set. The two queries must have the same number of columns. Due to this reason,
some unnecessary data will be added to our data which could potentially corrupt our file.
For example:
SELECT name, add, content FROM data WHERE id=21 UNION SELECT NULL,NULL,
0x8A789C....... INTO DUMPFILE ‘file’
The result from the first query will be added into our compressed file. As mentioned in the
section 5, we can inject any non existing value into the WHERE clause so there would be
no data extracted from the first query. However, due to the extra columns required in this
statement, any bad character data added into the first two columns also could potentially
corrupt our file. To prevent our file header from being overwritten by any bad character
data, we can add our data in the first column and inject any random data into the other
columns as seen in the following example.
SELECT name, add, content FROM data WHERE id=4444 UNION SELECT
0x8A789C.........,0x00,0x00 INTO DUMPFILE ‘file’
The first column in the example above is filled with our compressed arbitrary data. When
Zlib library is used, the Adler32 checksum [21] will be found at the end of the compressed
data in the first column . As mentioned in the RFC 1950 [22] , any data which may appear
after the Adler32 checksum is not part of the Zlib stream. We can abuse this functionality
by injecting any value into the other columns. This may help the compressed arbitrary file
to be decompressed without having any issues.
Another method is to ensure that all the arbitrary data is filled in sequence into all columns
in the second query. It would not be an issue if one of the columns contains more data than
the other columns as seen in the following example.
SELECT name, add, content FROM data WHERE id=4444 UNION SELECT 0x8A,
0x78,0x9CED......9EEC....... INTO DUMPFILE ‘file’
10 Remote code execution on LAMP
Remote code execution on LAMP contains several limitations and constraints. By default,
MySQL runs as a mysql user. Arbitrary files created through SELECT INTO DUMPFILE
can only be uploaded onto the directory where the mysql user is allowed to write onto. By
default, the uploaded file is not executable but readable. This file also is owned by mysql
user. A PHP script can be used to read the file and write the same file content to a new file.
This new file created is owned by the www-data user and the same PHP script can be used
to change the permission of this file to be executable using the PHP SYSTEM function. To
perform this action, this file needs to be uploaded onto the web server directory that is
writable by mysql and www-data users. By default, any directory created by other users are
not writable by these users. In some cases, these directories are set to be writable. An
example of this can be found in an application where a user is allowed to upload content
onto the web server directories, through the file upload feature.
If the writable directories can be discovered on the web server and the file is successfully
uploaded, PHP script can be used to execute the malicious file using the PHP SYSTEM
11 Remote code execution on WAMP
Remote code execution on WAMP contains less limitations and constraints in order to
function. By default, MySQL runs as a Local System user and files created through
SELECT INTO DUMPFILE can be uploaded onto any of the web server directories. By
default, this file is executable. Just like on the LAMP platform, PHP script can be used to
execute the malicious file using the PHP SYSTEM function.
[1] LAMP
[2] WAMP
[3] Stacked Queries
[4] MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual: Adding New
[5] Database Hackers Handbook
[6] Advanced SQL Injection Exploitation to Operating
System Full Control
[7] MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual: INSERT Syntax
[8] MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual: UPDATE Syntax
[9] MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual: SELECT Syntax
[10] MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual: Privileges
Provided by MySQL
[11] MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual: CREATE
[12] Shared Library
[14] MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual: UNION syntax
[15] PHP System Function
[16] MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual: String Functions
[17] Apache Core Features
[18] PHP Zlib Functions
[19] PHP gzcompress Function
[20] PHP gzuncompress Function
[21] Adler32 Checksum
[22] RFC 1950