Before you receive your study
Even before you receive your study pack, you can
get ready to study. You can
download your study material and tutorial letters from
confirm all your contact details on myUnisa
check which prescribed books you need and make
arrangements to obtain your books
Your study pack
All your study material is available on myUnisa (study material
for fully online modules is only available on myUnisa). Study
packs are sent to students via courier or the post - you may
also collect it from selected counters (depending on the
option you selected at the time of registration).
Once you’ve received your study pack you should
do the following:
Read the inventory letter to make sure that all the
material in the study pack matches the inventory letter.
If not, send an e-mail to [email protected] or an
SMS to 43579.
Check that the module codes in the inventory letter
match the modules for which you have registered.
Check that the information on your student card is
correct. The student card confirms that you are a Unisa
student (accompanied by your ID or passport) and
grants you access to libraries, examination venues and
other campus facilities. Keep it with you when you visit
any Unisa facility. If you lose it, you can request another
one by sending an e-mail to [email protected]
or an SMS to 43579.
Check your personal barcodes which you’ll need for
each printed assignment you submit via the post oce
or assignment box. You can request additional barcodes
from Unisa by sending an e-mail to:
[email protected] or an SMS to 43579.
The information contained in this brochure was correct at the time of publication (20 November 2019) | STUDY @ UNISA | Section 1
Scan your study material
Spend about 2 hours per module to scan through the
material you received in your study pack, including your study
guides or module online documents.
Read your tutorial letters
Carefully read through all your tutorial letters and make notes
of assignment dates, examination dates, prescribed books,
recommended reading and additional information included by
your lecturer.
Buy your prescribed books
Each Tutorial Letter 101 has a list of prescribed books and
recommended readings. Buying your books from an ocial
Unisa bookseller will ensure that you get the correct editions.
When ordering, please include the name, ISBN number and
edition. The recommended readings on your list are available
from the library.
Find the approved Unisa booksellers on our website at:
Create a filing system
Create a filing system for each module where you can file all
your tutorial letters, study notes, assignments and everything
related to that module. When downloading your study
material, organise the material for each module in separate
folders. Use your Microsoft OneDrive online storage space
(or any other cloud storage service such as Google Drive,
Box or Dropbox) to save your study material and all other
documents related to your studies online. This way you can
access these documents anytime, anywhere and on any
device with internet access.
The information contained in this brochure was correct at the time of publication (20 November 2019) | STUDY @ UNISA | Section 1